85 out of the world's 100 largest Architecture firms are now using BIMobject Cloud

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BIMobject® can proudly announce that according to latest user data, the company now have more than 110,000 professional users on the bimobject.com. Almost 3 million downloads of content has been done from the site, which confirms their growing market position.

Statistics for Architectural firms

  • Among the 100 largest Architectural firms in the world, 85 of them are already using bimobject.com
  • These 85 firms are exceeding more than 1,000 users. In average each of the 85 firms have more than 12 individual users registered.

The statistics have been collected from mapping the user base and registrations inside the bimobject.com with the World top 100 Architect list from the source Archdaily. 
"It is remarkable that bimobject.com have reached this kind of popularity in only three years, and it will be hard for any building product manufacturer to stay out of this product portal for BIM. There is no question that bimobject.com is one of the most valuable and fastest way to reach Architects with your products to get specified and used in the digital decision process of BIM", says Stefan Larsson, CEO & founder at BIMobject.

About BIMobject®:
BIMobject® is a game changer for the construction industry worldwide with its cloud based Portal offering development, maintenance and syndication of digital replicas - BIM objects - of manufactured building and interior products.

The marketing and pre-sales services associated with the Portal are channeled and integrated, through specialized software, into CAD/BIM applications to create a business-to-business communication across the globe.

Manufacturers use BIMobject® to promote and deliver their products directly into BIM processes enabling their products to be selected and generate a real improvement in sales.

BIMobject® - Winner of the Red Herring Europe Top 100 Award 2013, Winner of the 2013 Red Herring 100 Global Award and Winner of the IAIR EUROPEAN AWARDS 2013.

BIMobject AB - a public company listed on NASDAQ First North Stockholm. Share Ticker: BIM

Certified Advisor: Sedermera Fondkommission

This is an English version of a press release communicated by BIMobject®. In any case of doubt or possible differences regarding the different versions it is the Swedish version that shall apply.