BIMobject Open Property Cloud revealed at BIMobject® LIVe

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BIMobject® will announce the BOPC technology today at the BIMobject® LIVe conference in Malmö. The new cloud solution is aimed to adress the growing demand of extended properties in objects also known as parameters, meta data or attributes.

Many initiatives around the world are working with setting future standards for properties but they don't adress the critical fact of how to get this to the market, to the users and how to integrate it into the BIM objects and BIM models in an easy way. BOPC is the first cloud solution that solves this problem. It is easy to use and practical way to add property sets from standardization organisations around the world.

BOPC can also be used to solve the fact that manufacturers might want some additional properties in their objects, as well as advanced users like construction companies and developers can add hidden properties to objects to drive logistics and purchasing at a later stage in the process. BOPC can handle all different variations of Property clouds, open as well as hidden, project based as well as brand related only. An owner of a BOPC can even create unique user groups to limit access to the information to a design team for instance. 

Another unique feature with BOPC is that you can create several property sets within one cloud, it means that part of the product information can be added to the object at development stage and used in design, later more information can be dynamically loaded into the objects through the popular BIMobject® Apps like operation and Maintenance properties also known as COBIE. This means that BIMobject®, partners and customers now have a flexible system that can add more information into the object as you go downstream in the process. 

BIMobject® will work with organizations all over the world to build the standard BOPC to assist the market in following the guidelines and structure to enable information rich objects in BIM. 

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"BOPC and cloud based systems is the only way forward in solving the upcoming issue with consistent property names in BIM. It has to be clear in the information process who owns the information and we now have the system to deploy this to the world in a very smart way which is also easy to use" says Stefan Larsson, CEO of BIMobject AB.


BIMobject® is a game changer for the construction industry worldwide with its cloud based Portal offering development, maintenance and syndication of digital replicas - BIM objects - of manufactured building and interior products.

The marketing and pre-sales services associated with the Portal are channelled and integrated, through specialised software, into CAD/BIM applications to create a business-to-business communication across the globe.

Manufacturers use BIMobject® to promote and deliver their products directly into BIM processes enabling their products to be selected and generate a real improvement in sales.

BIMobject® - Winner of the Red Herring Europe Top 100 Award 2013, Winner of the 2013 Red Herring 100 Global Award and Winner of the IAIR EUROPEAN AWARDS 2013!

BIMobject AB - a public company listed on NASDAQ OMX First North: Share Ticker: BIM

Certified Advisor: Sedermera Fondkommission

This is an English version of a press release communicated by BIMobject®. In any case of doubt or possible differences regarding the different versions it is the Swedish version that shall apply.

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