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  • The Nomination Committee's proposal for the election of Board members and Chairman of the Board in BioArctic AB

The Nomination Committee's proposal for the election of Board members and Chairman of the Board in BioArctic AB

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Stockholm February 6, 2023 – BioArctic AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: BIOA B) hereby announces that the Nomination Committee for BioArctic AB (publ) presents the following proposals regarding the resolution on the number of board members and the election of board members, Chairman of the Board and deputy Chairman of the Board at the Annual General Meeting on June 1, 2023.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the board shall consist of eight members, without deputies.

The Nomination Committee proposes that Ivar Verner, Håkan Englund, Pär Gellerfors, Lars Lannfelt, Lotta Ljungqvist, Mikael Smedeby and Eugen Steiner be re-elected as board members and that Cecilia Edström be elected as new board member, each for a term of office until the end of the next annual general meeting. As previously announced, Wenche Rolfsen, chairman of the board of BioArctic, has declined re-election. The nomination committee's proposal to the annual general meeting is that Eugen Steiner, currently board member of BioArctic, succeeds Wenche Rolfsen as chairman of the company, and that Ivar Verner continues as vice chairman of the board.

Eugen Steiner earned a medical degree as well as a Ph.D. in clinical pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. He has experience as CEO or executive chairman of the board in several life science companies in Sweden, Norway, England and the USA over more than 35 years. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and vice chairman of its department X Biotechnology. Eugen Steiner serves as chairman of the board of Spago Nanomedical AB and Empros Pharma AB, as well as board member of A3P Biomedical AB, Inbox Capital AB, Epiendo Pharmaceuticals ehf, and Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. He has been a Venture Partner in HealthCap since 1996. His long and broad experience from the life science sector and deep knowledge of BioArctic, as well as solid board experience from several listed companies make him a well-suited successor to the retiring chairperson Wenche Rolfsen. Eugen Steiner is independent in relation to the company, the company management, and its major shareholders.

Cecilia Edström has a Bachelor of Science in finance and economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. She has more than 30 years of experience from a variety of industries, including life sciences, where she has held several leadership roles including CEO and CFO. Her extensive international experience includes responsibility for strategy, business development, sales, and finance. During her career, Cecilia Edström has held positions at, among others, Bactiguard, TeliaSonera, Scania and SEB and today works as a consultant with a focus on management, business development, communication, and sustainability. Her broad experience, industry knowledge and significant network will add additional valuable competence to the board. Cecilia Edström also has experience from board assignments in both public and private companies in several different sectors, including life science. Cecilia Edström is independent in relation to the company, the company management, and its major shareholders.

Information on all proposed board members for BioArctic, the Nomination Committee's rationale regarding the proposal for the election of board members and the Nomination Committee's complete proposals to the annual general meeting will be available on the company's website, www.bioarctic.se, in connection with the issuance of the notice to attend the annual general meeting 2021, which is expected to be published around May 4, 2023.

The Nomination Committee has been appointed according to the principles adopted by the annual general meeting 2022 and consists of Jannis Kitsakis (chairman), appointed by the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (Swedish: Fjärde AP-fonden), Margareta Öhrvall, appointed by Demban AB and Claes Andersson, appointed by Ackelsta AB. The composition of the Nomination Committee was published on October 18, 2022, and has been made available on the company's website. The members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed by shareholders who together represent approximately 59 percent of the shares and around 84 percent of the votes in the company. The chairperson of the board has been adjunct at the Nomination Committee’s meetings.

The Nomination Committee of BioArctic AB (publ)


The information was released for public disclosure, through the agency of the contact person below, on February 6, 2023, at 08.30 a.m. CET.

For further information, please contact: 
Jannis Kitsakis, chairperson of the Nomination Committee, telephone +46 (0)70 603 8023

About BioArctic AB
BioArctic AB (publ) is a Swedish research-based biopharma company focusing on disease-modifying treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and ALS. BioArctic focuses on innovative treatments in areas with high unmet medical needs. The company was founded in 2003 based on innovative research from Uppsala University, Sweden. Collaborations with universities are of great importance to the company together with its strategically important global partner Eisai in Alzheimer disease. The project portfolio is a combination of fully funded projects run in partnership with global pharmaceutical companies and innovative in-house projects with significant market and out-licensing potential. BioArctic’s Class B share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap (ticker: BIOA B). For more information about BioArctic, please visit www.bioarctic.com.