Redemption of warrants

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Redemption of warrants on 31st August 2010 has led to an increase in BioGaia´s share capital with SEK 60,400, which on 2 September amounts to SEK 17,270,962. The number of shares has increased with 60,400 class B-shares through which the number of class B-shares now amounts to
16,530,294 with no change in the number of class A-shares, i.e. 740,668. The total number of shares is thereby equivalent to 23,936,974 votes.


The redemption price for the share was SEK 76.70, and therefore the equity has increased with SEK 4,632,680.


In June 2007, the warrant programme approved by the AGM the same year, was implemented. The personnel subscribed a total of 128,950 warrants. Each warrant granted the holder the right to subscribe for one class B share for SEK 76.70 during the period from 15 May 2010 to 31 August 2010. In total
63,400 warrants were exercised during the period. With the completion of this warrant programme, BioGaia now has no ongoing warrant programmes.