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Biohit Oyj develops, manufactures and markets liquid handling products and      
diagnostic test systems for use in research, healthcare and industrial          

The Group's financial trends in the January-December period of 2008:            
- Net sales EUR 35.1 million (EUR 33.0 million 1-12/2007) 
- Operating profit EUR 1.3 million (operating loss EUR 0.2 million) 
- Profit before taxes EUR 1.0 million (loss EUR 1.1 million) 
- Earnings per share EUR 0.07 (EUR -0.12) 

NET SALES AND RESULT                                                            

The Biohit Group has seen satisfactory trends in net sales during the fourth    
quarter. Net sales growth was up 1% on the corresponding period of 2007,        
amounting to EUR 9.4 million (EUR 9.4 million 10-12/2007). In a change to       
previous reporting practices, changes in currency exchange rates for internal   
receivables are now presented under financial items. Using the previous         
reporting method, net sales would have amounted to EUR 9.9 million (EUR 9.1     
million in 2007), with growth of 10% in the fourth quarter.                     

Operating profit for the fourth quarter amounted to EUR 0.1 million (EUR 0.5    
million) and profit before taxes to EUR 0.5 million (EUR 0.1 million). Earnings 
per share were EUR 0.06 (EUR -0.03). Using the previous reporting method,       
operating profit would have amounted to EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.2 million in     

All main market areas have seen a moderate rise in net sales during the fourth  
quarter. Sales and marketing activities are weighted towards the fourth quarter,
which has led to an increase in fixed costs. A slight rise in fixed costs during
the fourth quarter had no significant impact on earnings.                       


The Biohit Group's net sales for the financial year totalled EUR 35.1 million   
(EUR 33.0 million), representing a rise of 6% on 2007. Using the previous       
reporting method, net sales would have amounted to EUR 35.6 million (EUR 32.8   
million), representing growth of 9%.                                            

Operating profit amounted to EUR 1.3 million (loss EUR 0.2 million). The profit 
before taxes for the reporting period was EUR 1.0 million (loss EUR 1.1         
million). Earnings per share were EUR 0.07 (EUR -0.12).                         

Trends in the Group's net sales have been good in all its main market areas     
since the end of the first quarter, and there has been brisk growth in the Asian
market in particular. The global economic downturn did not have a substantial   
impact on net sales trends during the 2008 financial year.                      

In order to improve earnings, the company began a savings and operational       
efficiency programme in June 2008. Thanks to the increased efficiency and       
reductions in fixed costs achieved through this programme, the Group's          
profitability has improved. The euro's weaker trend against other currencies has
also increased profitability.                                                   

Key figures by segment, January-December                                        

Sales and maintenance of liquid handling products accounted for 96% of net sales
during the reporting period. The net sales of the liquid handling business for  
the entire reporting period amounted to EUR 33.6 million (EUR 31.4 million) and 
the net sales of the diagnostics business to EUR 1.5 million (EUR 1.7 million). 
Sales of test kits accounted for EUR 1.2 million of the net sales of the        
diagnostics business (EUR 1.1 million).                                         

The operating profit of the liquid handling business amounted to EUR 3.7 million
(operating profit EUR 2.7 million), while the operating loss of the diagnostics 
business totalled EUR 2.4 million (operating loss EUR 2.9 million).             

The impact of currency exchange rates                                           

When calculated in local currencies, the Group's net sales growth for the entire
reporting period has been better than reported growth. When calculated using    
comparable exchange rates, net sales growth in the liquid handling business for 
the entire reporting period was 10%, while the reported figure was 6%.          

Excluding the impact of instrument sales, growth for the diagnostics business   
totalled 14% when calculated using comparable currency exchange rates. The      
reported figure was 8%.                                                         

BALANCE SHEET                                                                   

On 31 December 2008, the balance sheet total stood at EUR 27.1 million (EUR 27.3
million on 31 December 2007) and the equity ratio was 46.5% (43.6%).            


Cash flow from operating activities during the reporting period was EUR 1.2     
million (EUR 1.1 million). At the end of the period, the Group's liquid assets  
totalled EUR 1.3 million (EUR 1.1 million). Current ratio was 2.5 (2.3).        

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

Research and development expenditure during the reporting period amounted to EUR
2.0 million (EUR 2.0 million). EUR 0.4 million (EUR 0.4 million) in development 
expenditure was capitalised during the period.                                  


Gross investments during the reporting period totalled EUR 1.2 million (EUR 2.1 
million). Investments were primarily made in liquid handling production in      
Helsinki and Kajaani.                                                           


The average number of Group personnel during the reporting period was 369 (352  
in the corresponding period of 2007 and 310 in 2006). Of these, 171 (178 in     
2007, 162 in 2006) were employed by the parent company and 198 (174 in 2007, 148
in 2006) by subsidiaries.                                                       

In June 2008, Biohit launched codetermination negotiations as part of the       
company's savings and operational efficiency programme. The codetermination     
negotiations ended on 29 August 2008, and the company decided to implement its  
planned personnel cost savings with lay-offs starting in September. The measures
affected both the company's own personnel and leased employees working for the  
parent company in the diagnostics business or in production and logistics in the
liquid handling business. However, improvements in the company's financial      
position have already led to the cancellation of lay-offs affecting Biohit's own
personnel. Reductions in leased personnel have been implemented as planned.     

KEY FIGURES                                                                     

|                       |   10-12/2008 | 10-12/2007 |  1-12/2008 |   1-12/2007 |
| Net sales, MEUR       |          9.4 |        9.4 |       35.1 |        33.0 |
| Operating             |          0.1 |        0.5 |        1.3 |        -0.2 |
| profit/loss,          |              |            |            |             |
| MEUR                  |              |            |            |             |
| Profit / loss before  |          0.5 |        0.1 |        1.0 |        -1.1 |
| taxes, MEUR           |              |            |            |             |
| Investments, gross,   |          0.4 |        0.3 |        1.2 |         2.1 |
| MEUR                  |              |            |            |             |
| As a percentage of    |          3.7 |        3.5 |        3.5 |         6.3 |
| net sales             |              |            |            |             |
| R&D expenditure, MEUR |          0.6 |        0.5 |        2.0 |         2.0 |
| As a percentage of    |          6.2 |        5.8 |        5.8 |         6.1 |
| net sales             |              |            |            |             |
| Average number of     |          362 |        351 |        369 |         352 |
| personnel             |              |            |            |             |
| Equity ratio, %       |         46.5 |       43.6 |       46.5 |        43.6 |
| Earnings per share,   |         0.06 |      -0.03 |       0.07 |       -0.12 |
| EUR                   |              |            |            |             |
| Equity per share, EUR |         0.97 |       0.92 |       0.97 |        0.92 |
| Average number of     |   12,937,627 | 12,937,627 | 12,937,627 |  12,937,627 |
| shares during the     |              |            |            |             |
| period                |              |            |            |             |
| Number of shares at   |   12,937,627 | 12,937,627 | 12,937,627 |  12,937,627 |
| end of period         |              |            |            |             |

MAIN EVENTS OF THE REPORTING PERIOD                                             

Liquid handling business                                                        

Biohit's liquid handling business develops, manufactures and markets laboratory 
equipment and accessories for the pharmaceutical, food and other industries.    
Biohit's products are also used in research institutions, universities and      
hospitals. The product range includes mechanical and electronic pipettes as well
as disposable tips. While the majority of products are marketed under the Biohit
brand, the company also sells customised OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture)   
products that complement the diagnostic test and analysis systems of many global
companies. In addition, the company offers maintenance, calibration and training
services for liquid handling products through its distributor network           
( and                      

2008 saw favourable trends in sales of liquid handling products in almost all   
market areas. Net sales showed a significant improvement after the end of the   
first quarter and grew by 7% on the previous year. Net sales growth and         
increased operational efficiency improved segment profitability, with operating 
profit totalling EUR 3.7 million EUR 2.7 million 1-12/2007).                    

According to the company's own estimates, the total market for pipettes and     
disposable tips has grown by about 5-10% per annum. Exchange rate fluctuations  
and the weakened economic climate in the United States have, however, had an    
unfavourable impact on growth, particularly in the market for electronic        
pipettes. The global economic downturn has also slowed growth in other markets. 
Despite this, Biohit has succeeded in growing sales in certain market areas,    
sometimes even exceeding the total market average.                              

Biohit has continued to invest in R&D and launched new filter tips for pipettes 
in 2008. The tips are manufactured to high quality and sterility standards at   
the company's production facility in Kajaani. Biohit has also invested in       
equipment for manufacturing the new tips. Demand for filter tips has increased  
as laboratory quality standards have become stricter. Deliveries have already   
begun and the new tips have been favourably received by customers.              

The Proline Plus mechanical pipette launched at the end of 2007 has also been   
well received and sales trends during the reporting period have exceeded        

Biohit's after-sales service business has been growing, particularly at the     
company's own maintenance units. Biohit's calibration laboratory in Germany     
received accreditation from the German authorities (DKD) in November. Biohit now
has accredited laboratories in four countries: Finland, France, Germany and the 
UK. Accreditation is based on internationally recognised criteria and is a      
method of assuring laboratory competence and credibility. Biohit's after-sales  
service business seeks to increase product lifecycle management and customer    

The company also continued to focus on R&D projects, OEM co-operation,          
strengthening the Biohit brand, and using the Lean system to develop            
cost-effective production processes and logistics at production facilities in   
China and Finland.                                                              


Biohit's diagnostics business develops, manufactures and markets tests and      
analysis systems primarily for the diagnosis, screening and prevention of       
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product range includes the          
GastroPanel and GastroView examinations (,           and the ColonView quick test for primary healthcare; lactose
intolerance and Helicobacter pylori quick tests for specialised healthcare; and 
instruments and analysis systems for laboratories ( 
Additionally, the company runs a service laboratory in Finland (> 
palvelulaboratorio) and in the UK (                      

Sales trends in the diagnostics business did not reach a satisfactory level     
during 2008 and total net sales fell by 9% on the previous year. The majority of
net sales are, however, generated by test kit sales, which have grown by 8%. The
impact of instruments on net sales has decreased. Although increased operational
efficiency and reductions in costs improved the profitability of the diagnostics
business, the segment's operating result was once again in the red with a loss  
of EUR 2.4 million (loss of 2.9 million 1-12/2007).                             

Biohit's reliable and cost-effective diagnostics products generate cost savings 
for the healthcare sector, which is under pressure to cut costs due to the      
global economic downturn. Consumer interest in examinations for abdominal       
complaints is also increasing all the time.                                     

Biohit aims to get its GastroPanel and GastroView examinations introduced into  
national healthcare systems and local authority reimbursement schemes. Slow     
progress in obtaining approvals from the relevant authorities has, however,     
posed a major challenge. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has still not
approved Biohit's application concerning the GastroPanel Pepsinogen I and II    
tests. Although Biohit delivered the requested further clarification during the 
reporting period, the FDA did not deem it sufficient. Biohit will now have to   
provide more extensive research material and make a new application to the FDA. 
The timetable for this process is therefore currently difficult to estimate.    

The company is, however, continuing to prepare for test kit marketing in the USA
by, for example, applying for patents. During the reporting period, the United  
States Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent for a test panel to diagnose
atrophic gastritis (GastroPanel).                                               

Biohit is also focusing primarily on those countries in which its test panels   
have already been granted approval by the relevant authorities. Test kit        
marketing efforts have also been upped in Finland with satisfactory results.    

In addition to its individual tests, Biohit also offers GastroPanel Laboratories
on a turnkey basis. GastroPanel Laboratories, which are split into small-scale  
(price EUR 150,000-500,000) and large-scale (price EUR 4.3 million), come with  
GastroPanel tests, pipettes, instruments, and training and maintenance services.
Increased demand for GastroPanel Laboratories would also significantly raise net
sales in the diagnostics business.                                              

The focal point for research and development during the period has been         
improvements to existing products and the commercialisation of new products.    
ColonView - Biohit's new quick test for the early detection of colorectal cancer
- was launched during 2008. The ColonView tests offer an easy and cost-effective
way of finding patients who have fecal occult blood and therefore a higher than 
average risk of colorectal cancer or precancerous lesions (adenomas). The test  
also provides data on other potential diseases of the gastrointestinal tract    
that are associated with intestinal bleeding. The test has been favourably      
received and will be used in a Finnish comparison study that is scheduled to    
begin soon. Participation in studies is part of the process of bringing         
diagnostics products to market.                                                 

INCORPORATION OF THE DIAGNOSTICS BUSINESS                                       

Measures to spin off the diagnostics business continued during the period. As   
the current global economic climate has made finding a suitable partner         
difficult, the diagnostics business has instead been focusing on developing its 

SHARE AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                          

Biohit Oyj's 12,937,627 shares are divided into series A and series B shares.   
There are a total of 2,975,500 series A shares and 9,962,127 series B shares.   
Series A shares confer 20 votes per share and series B shares 1 vote per share. 
The dividend paid for series B shares is, however, two (2) per cent of the      
nominal value higher than that paid for series A shares. Supposing that the
market capitalisation value for series A and B shares is equal, the total
market capitalisation value at the end of the period was EUR 16.4 million. 

Biohit Oyj's series B shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in the Small     
cap/Healthcare group under the code BIOBV.                                      

Equity turnover and price development                                           

| BIOBV / NASDAQ OMX Helsinki          |               1-12/2008 |
| High, EUR                            |                    1.92 |
| Low, EUR                             |                    0.91 |
| Average, EUR                         |                    1.41 |
| Closing price, EUR                   |                    1.27 |
| Total turnover, EUR                  |               2,464,549 |
| Total turnover, no. of shares        |               1,742,078 |


At the end of the reporting period on 31 December 2008, the company had 3,463   
shareholders (3,497 on 31 December 2007). Private households held 79.59%        
(79.17%), companies 16.71% (16.70%) and public sector organisations 3.03%       
(3.03%) of share capital. 0.40% (0.64%) of shares were in foreign ownership or  
registered in a nominee's name.                                                 

Conversion of series A shares into series B shares, and notification of a change
in share ownership in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, Chapter 2,    
Section 10                                                                      

On 28 August 2008, at Professor Pentti Sipponen's request and in accordance with
the Articles of Association, Biohit Oyj's Board of Directors decided to convert 
900,000 Series A shares owned by Sipponen into the equivalent number of Series B
shares. The new Series B shares became available for public trading on 5        
September 2008.                                                                 

After the share conversion, the number of shares in each class and the votes    
conferred were as follows: 2,975,500 Series A shares conferring 59,510,000 votes
and 9,962,127 Series B shares conferring 9,962,127 votes.                       

As a result of the conversion, the combined share of voting rights conferred by 
shares owned by Professor Pentti Sipponen and Patolab Oy - a company in his     
control - fell under one twentieth. The combined share of voting rights         
conferred by shares owned by Professor Osmo Suovaniemi, Biocosmos Oy and        
Interlab Oy - two companies in his control - rose to over two thirds as a result
of the conversion.                                                              

Information on the shares and votes held by Pentti Sipponen, Osmo Suovaniemi and
the companies under their control was published in a stock exchange release     
dated 29 August 2008.                                                           

Series B share market making agreement has ended                                

Biohit Oyj gave notice on its market making agreement with Remium AB during the 
reporting period. The agreement ended on 6 June 2008 in accordance with the     
contract. Market making began on 1 June 2007.                                   

Further information about the shares, major shareholders and management's       
shareholdings is available on the company's website at          


The Annual General Meeting held on 21 April 2008 decided that the number of     
members of the Board of Directors is six. The AGM appointed Tero J. Kauppinen,  
Kalle Kettunen, Reijo Luostarinen, Mikko Salaspuro, Osmo Suovaniemi, and Mårten 
Wikström as members of the Board. Reijo Luostarinen has acted as Chairman of the

The AGM appointed authorised public accountants Ernst & Young Oy as auditor,    
with Erkka Talvinko, Authorised Public Accountant, as chief auditor.            

New members were appointed to the Diagnostics Management Team during the        
reporting period: Aino Telaranta-Keerie (Research and development), Marjo       
Nikulin (Production and quality) and Tapani Tiusanen (Instruments and           
technologies). The Diagnostics Management Team focuses on the diagnostics       
business and its development, while the Liquid Handling Management Team focuses 
on the liquid handling business and its development as well as the development  
and administration of the Group as a whole. The members of both management teams
are presented in more detail on the Biohit website.                             

Annual General Meeting 2009                                                     

Biohit Oyj's Annual General Meeting will be held at Pörssisali, Helsinki, on    
Monday 20 April 2009. The Notice of Meeting will be published on the company's  
Internet site, as a stock exchange bulletin and in nationwide newspapers        
selected by the Annual General Meeting no later than 17 days before the meeting.

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTY FACTORS                                        

The most significant risks and uncertainty factors inherent in Biohit's business
operations concern the diagnostics business, Group liquidity, and trends in     
currency exchange rates.                                                        

If the diagnostics business does not meet the substantial growth expectations   
that have been set, this may also weaken the profitability of the Group as a    
whole. The long-term failure of the diagnostics business to meet its growth     
expectations could also lead to a EUR 2.5 million impairment of goodwill. In    
2009, Biohit will work to boost sales and marketing by focusing on those market 
areas in which a breakthrough can be expected first. The company will also alter
the cost structure of the diagnostics business to make it flexible enough to    
adapt to its operating income.                                                  

The Group's profitability improved on 2007 and this led to a rise in the equity 
ratio, which was 46.5% at year-end. Although increased profitability has also   
bolstered the Group's financing position, liquidity remains at only a           
satisfactory level. The global economic downturn could also impact sales of the 
Group's products, which would weaken liquidity. 2009 investments will therefore 
be reasonably moderate and business solutions will seek the most cost-effective 

Weaker trends in the external value of the euro against the US dollar and the   
Japanese yen have improved the Group's profitability during the reporting       
period. A strengthening of the euro would likewise have a detrimental impact on 
profitability. The company seeks to protect itself from exchange rate risks by  
making procurements in currencies other than the euro.                          

OUTLOOK FOR 2009                                                                

The Group experienced favourable trends in net sales during 2008 and these have 
also continued throughout the first few months of 2009. Trends in the global    
economy during 2009 may, however, lead to fewer investments in healthcare,      
research and R&D than in previous years. Cost cutting on research in the        
healthcare sector, and in particular the pharmaceutical industry, could be      
unfavourably reflected in net sales of both liquid handling and diagnostics     

However, the company estimates that total net sales will continue to grow in    
2009. On the basis of factors such as, among others, currency exchange rate     
trends in target markets, net sales growth in traditional liquid handling       
products may not necessarily match that of 2008. Growth in the diagnostics      
business is, however, expected to be substantially greater than in 2008 due to, 
for example, new product launches. Growth in the diagnostics business will now  
be sought solely through test kit sales, as sales of instruments are continuing 
to fall.                                                                        

Earnings trends in 2009 will be largely dependent on sales of liquid handling   
products. Continued growth in the diagnostics business will also improve the    
Group's profitability and enable the investments required to further business   
development. Biohit estimates that favourable trends in net sales in both of its
business segments will lead to a profit in 2009.                                

EVENTS AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR                                    

Biohit launched new pipette maintenance and calibration software after the close
of the reporting period. The module-based Quanta software range is suitable for 
all laboratories and maintenance companies that carry out pipette maintenance   
and calibration. Quanta rounds out Biohit's liquid handling range and promotes  
lifecycle management for products that are already in use.                      

Gastropäivät (the Finnish Gastroenterology Seminar) is being held in Helsinki on
12-13 February 2009. Researchers from the University of Helsinki and the        
Helsinki University Central Hospital are presenting the results of clinical     
trials concerning Biohit's BioCyst capsules, which are currently still under    
development. The trials indicate that the capsules will help reduce the cancer  
risk posed by acetaldehyde in an anacidic stomach.                              

Atrophic gastritis (damage to gastric mucosa) caused by H. pylori infection or  
an autoimmune disease may lead to an anacidic stomach, which is the major risk  
factor for gastric cancer and also increases the risk of esophageal cancer.     
About 5 per cent of over 50-year-olds in developed countries suffer from an     
anacidic stomach, and the condition is even more common in Eastern Europe and   
Asia. There are over 50,000 sufferers in Finland and about 500 million          

Although most people do not suffer any symptoms from an anacidic stomach caused 
by atrophic gastritis, the condition can be simply and reliably diagnosed with  
Biohit's blood sample based GastroPanel test, or then by using histological     
examination of biopsies taken through invasive gastroscopy.                     

The use of PPI medication, which prevents stomach acid secretion, also leads to 
a low-acid or acid-free stomach in which mouth microbes are able to live and    
produce acetaldehyde from both alcohol and every ordinary meal. In 2007, 464,000
users of PPI medication were covered by the national health service's drug      
reimbursement system in Finland (Drug Information, Finnish Medical Journal,     
issue 4/2009, volume 64, pages 296-299).                                        
When taken with meals, Biohit's BioCyst capsules neutralise acetaldehyde in the 
stomach. Biohit seeks to bring its BioCyst capsules to market both in Finland   
and abroad during 2009.                                                         

After the end of financial year, Biohit began cooperation with HUSLAB, a        
laboratory enterprise owned by the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa    
(HUS). GastroPanel and GastroView, which are intended for use as primary        
examinations in primary and occupational healthcare, have been introduced into  
the laboratory analysis offered by HUSLAB in Finland under the name 'Mahalaukun 
biomerkkiainetutkimus' (in Finnish only: / Lähete- ja             
tutkimuspyyntölomakkeet / Lähetteet aakkosjärjestyksessä;,see, 'Mahalaukun      
biomerkkiainetutkimus'). HUSLAB offers physicians the chance to prescribe a     
GastroPanel or GastroView examination. This not only cuts healthcare costs but  
also promotes the early diagnosis of gastric diseases and furthers the          
prevention of, for example, gastric cancer, peptic ulcer disease, vitamin B12   
deficiency, and many other serious diseases.                                    

After the end of the financial year, Biohit Oyj's UK subsidiary spun off its    
diagnostics business as a subsidiary of its own. This company, Biohit Healthcare
Ltd, will focus primarily on the UK market.                                     

OF OTHER NON-RESTRICTED EQUITY                                                  

The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend be paid and that the profit for
the financial year be transferred to retained earnings.                         

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   

|                                  |     1-12 |     1-12 |   Change |   Change |
|                                  |     2008 |     2007 |     MEUR |     MEUR |
|                                  |     MEUR |     MEUR |          |          |
| Net sales*                       |     35.1 |     33.0 |      2.1 |        6 |
| Other operating income           |      0.2 |      0.1 |      0.1 |       87 |
| Change in inventories of         |     -0.3 |      0.3 |      0.5 |      213 |
| finished goods and work in       |          |          |          |          |
| progress                         |          |          |          |          |
| Materials and services           |     -6.7 |     -7.0 |     -0.3 |       -4 |
| Employee benefit expenses        |    -14.5 |    -14.1 |      0.3 |        2 |
| Depreciation                     |     -1.8 |     -1.8 |      0.0 |        0 |
| Other operating expenses         |    -10.7 |    -10.6 |      0.0 |        0 |
| Operating profit / -loss         |      1.3 |     -0.2 |      1.5 |      767 |
| Financial income                 |      0.4 |      0.1 |      0.4 |      590 |
| Financial expenses               |     -0.7 |     -1.0 |     -0.2 |      -24 |
| Profit / loss before taxes       |      1.0 |     -1.1 |      2.1 |      189 |
| Income taxes                     |     -0.1 |     -0.4 |      0.3 |       74 |
| Profit / loss for the period     |      0.9 |     -1.5 |      2.4 |      160 |

*) In a change to previous reporting practices, changes in currency exchange    
rates for internal receivables are now presented under financial items. Using   
the previous reporting method, net sales would have amounted to EUR 35.6 million
(EUR 32.8 million), representing growth of 9%.                                  

| Earnings per share calculated from earnings      |        1-12 |        1-12 |
| attributable to equity holders of the parent     |        2008 |        2007 |
| company                                          |             |             |
| Earnings per share, undiluted*, EUR              |        0.07 |       -0.12 |

*) The convertible bond is not dilutive in respect of earnings per share in the 
financial years 2008 and 2007. 

|                                  |    10-12 |    10-12 |   Change |   Change |
|                                  |     2008 |     2007 |     MEUR |     MEUR |
|                                  |     MEUR |     MEUR |          |          |
| Net sales*                       |      9.4 |      9.4 |      0.1 |        1 |
| Other operating income           |      0.1 |      0.0 |      0.1 |      138 |
| Change in inventories of         |     -0.4 |     -0.2 |      0.1 |       60 |
| finished goods and work in       |          |          |          |          |
| progress                         |          |          |          |          |
| Materials and services           |     -1.7 |     -1.7 |      0.0 |       -2 |
| Employee benefit expenses        |     -3.9 |     -3.8 |      0.1 |        4 |
| Depreciation                     |     -0.5 |     -0.5 |      0.0 |       -3 |
| Other operating expenses         |     -3.0 |     -2.8 |      0.2 |        9 |
| Operating profit / -loss         |      0.1 |      0.5 |     -0.4 |      -71 |
| Financial income                 |      0.4 |      0.0 |      0.4 |    4 693 |
| Financial expenses               |      0.0 |     -0.5 |     -0.4 |      -92 |
| Profit / loss before taxes       |      0.5 |      0.1 |      0.4 |      850 |
| Income taxes                     |      0.3 |     -0.5 |      0.8 |      167 |
| Profit / loss for the period     |      0.8 |     -0.4 |      1.2 |      294 |

*) In a change to previous reporting practices, changes in currency exchange    
rates for internal receivables are now presented under financial items. Using   
the previous reporting method, net sales would have amounted to EUR 9.9 million 
(EUR 9.1 million in 2007), with growth of 10% in the fourth quarter.            

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      

|                                    |         31.12.2008 |         31.12.2007 |
|                                    |      MEUR |      % |    MEUR |        % |
| ASSETS                             |           |        |         |          |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 |           |        |         |          |
| Goodwill                           |       2.6 |     10 |     2.6 |       10 |
| Intangible assets                  |       1.6 |      6 |     1.5 |        5 |
| Tangible assets                    |       6.5 |     24 |     7.2 |       26 |
| Receivables                        |       0.0 |      0 |     0.0 |        0 |
| Deferred tax assets                |       2.0 |      7 |     2.0 |        7 |
| Total non-current assets           |      12.7 |     47 |    13.3 |       49 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| CURRENT ASSETS                     |           |        |         |          |
| Inventories                        |       5.8 |     21 |     5.6 |       21 |
| Trade and other receivables        |       6.8 |     25 |     6.4 |       23 |
| Financial assets recognised at     |       0.5 |      2 |     0.9 |        3 |
| fair value through profit or loss  |           |        |         |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents          |       1.3 |      5 |     1.1 |        4 |
| Total current assets               |      14.4 |     53 |    14.0 |       51 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| TOTAL ASSETS                       |      27.1 |    100 |    27.3 |      100 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES             |           |        |         |          |
| Equity attributable to the equity  |           |        |         |          |
| holders of the parent company      |           |        |         |          |
| Share capital                      |       2.2 |      8 |     2.2 |        8 |
| Share premium fund                 |       0.2 |      1 |     0.2 |        1 |
| Fund for investments of            |      12.2 |     45 |    12.2 |       45 |
| non-restricted equity              |           |        |         |          |
| Retained earnings                  |      -1.9 |     -7 |    -2.8 |      -10 |
| Total equity                       |      12.5 |     46 |    11.8 |       43 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES            |           |        |         |          |
| Deferred tax liabilities           |       0.0 |      0 |     0.1 |        0 |
| Pension obligations                |       0.1 |      0 |     0.1 |        0 |
| Total interest-bearing liabilities |       8.0 |     29 |     8.3 |       30 |
| Other liabilities                  |       0.7 |      3 |     0.9 |        3 |
| Total non-current liabilities      |       8.8 |     32 |     9.3 |       34 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                |           |        |         |          |
| Trade payables                     |       1.3 |      5 |     1.4 |        5 |
| Provisions                         |       0.0 |      0 |     0.0 |        0 |
| Total interest-bearing liabilities |       1.1 |      4 |     0.9 |        3 |
| Other liabilities                  |       3.4 |     13 |     3.9 |       14 |
| Total current liabilities          |       5.8 |     21 |     6.2 |       23 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| Total liabilities                  |      14.6 |     54 |    15.5 |       57 |
|                                    |           |        |         |          |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES       |      27.1 |    100 |    27.3 |      100 |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                

|                                               |    1-12/2008 |     1-12/2007 |
|                                               |         MEUR |          MEUR |
| CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES           |              |               |
| Profit / loss before taxes                    |          1.0 |          -1.1 |
| Adjustments                                   |          2.1 |           2.4 |
|                                               |              |               |
| CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL                     |         -0.8 |           0.6 |
| Interest and other financial items paid       |         -1.0 |          -0.5 |
| Interest received                             |          0.0 |           0.0 |
| Income taxes paid                             |         -0.2 |          -0.4 |
| Net cash flow from operating activities       |          1.2 |           1.1 |
|                                               |              |               |
| CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES           |              |               |
| Investments in tangible and intangible assets |         -1.2 |          -2.1 |
| Investments and capital gains from            |          0.5 |          -0.1 |
| investments in funds and deposits, net        |              |               |
| Net cash flow from investments                |         -0.8 |          -2.2 |
|                                               |              |               |
| CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES           |              |               |
| Proceeds from loans                           |          0.6 |           2.5 |
| Repayment of loans                            |         -0.9 |          -1.1 |
| Net cash flow from financing activities       |         -0.3 |           1.4 |
|                                               |              |               |
| Increase (+) / decrease (-) in cash and cash  |          0.2 |           0.3 |
| equivalents                                   |              |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of     |          1.1 |           0.9 |
| period                                        |              |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period    |          1.3 |           1.1 |

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                                  

Consolidated statement of changes in equity on 31 December 2008                 

| MEUR             |  Share |  Share |  Trans- |   Fund for | Earnings| Equity |
|                  |capital |premium |  lation |investments |         |        |
|                  |        |   fund |  diff.  |    of non- |         |        |
|                  |        |        |         | restricted |         |        |
|                  |        |        |         |     equity |         |        |
| Equity on 1 Jan  |    2.2 |    0.2 |     0.1 |       12.2 |    -2.8 |   11.8 |
| 2008             |        |        |         |            |         |        |
| Translation      |        |        |    -0.2 |            |         |   -0.2 |
| differences      |        |        |         |            |         |        |
| Profit / loss    |        |        |         |            |     0.9 |    0.9 |
| for the period   |        |        |         |            |         |        |
| Equity on 31 Dec |    2.2 |    0.2 |    -0.2 |       12.2 |    -1.9 |   12.5 |
| 2008             |        |        |         |            |         |        |

Consolidated statement of changes in equity on 31 December 2007                 

| MEUR             |  Share |  Share |  Trans- |   Fund for | Earnings| Equity |
|                  |capital |premium |  lation |investments |         |        |
|                  |        |   fund |  diff.  |    of non- |         |        |
|                  |        |        |         | restricted |         |        |
|                  |        |        |         |     equity |         |        |
| Equity on 1 Jan  |    2.2 |    0.2 |     0.1 |       12.2 |    -1.3 |   13.4 |
| 2007             |        |        |         |            |         |        |
| Translation      |        |        |    -0.1 |            |         |   -0.1 |
| differences      |        |        |         |            |         |        |
| Profit / loss    |        |        |         |            |    -1.5 |   -1.5 |
| for the period   |        |        |         |            |         |        |
| Equity on 31 Dec |    2.2 |    0.2 |     0.1 |       12.2 |    -2.8 |   11.8 |
| 2007             |        |        |         |            |         |        |


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

This financial statement bulletin has been prepared in accordance with the      
requirements of the IAS 34 standard.                                            

Biohit Oyj has applied the same accounting principles in preparing this         
financial statement bulletin as for its financial statements of 2007. New       
financial statement standards, amendments and interpretations were published and
became effective as of 1 January 2008. They are presented in detail in the      
financial statements for 2007. Their adoption did not cause any changes in the  
accounting policy that would have required a retroactive change in the          
comparison information presented.                                               

All the figures in the financial statement bulletin have been rounded up or     
down, due to which the sums of figures may deviate from the sum total presented.

The figures in this financial statement bulletin have not been audited.         

FIGURES BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                     

Group net sales by business segment                                             

|           |10-12 |  10-12 | Change | Change|  1-12 |  1-12 | Change | Change |
|           | 2008 |   2007 |        |       |  2008 |  2007 |        |        |
|           | MEUR |   MEUR |   MEUR |     % |  MEUR |  MEUR |   MEUR |      % |
| Liquid    |  9.0 |    8.9 |    0.2 |     2 |  33.6 |  31.4 |    2.2 |      7 |
| handling  |      |        |        |       |       |       |        |        |
| Diagnosti |  0.4 |    0.5 |   -0.1 |   -21 |   1.5 |   1.7 |   -0.2 |     -9 |
| cs        |      |        |        |       |       |       |        |        |

Group operating profit / loss by business segment                               

|           |10-12 |  10-12 |Change |Change |  1-12 |  1-12 | Change | Change |
|           | 2008 |   2007 |       |       |  2008 |  2007 |        |        |
|           | MEUR |   MEUR |  MEUR |     % |  MEUR |  MEUR |   MEUR |      % |
| Liquid    |  0.9 |    1.3 |  -0.4 |   -33 |   3.7 |   2.7 |    0.9 |     34 |
| handling  |      |        |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Diagnosti | -0.7 |   -0.8 |   0.1 |     9 |  -2.4 |  -2.9 |    0.6 |     20 |
| cs        |      |        |       |       |       |       |        |        |


|                                           |     31.12.2008 |      31.12.2007 |
|                                           |           MEUR |            MEUR |
| Liabilities for which mortgages have been |                |                 |
| lodged as collateral                      |                |                 |
| Loans from financial institutions         |            3.5 |             3.3 |
|   Corporate mortgages                     |            2.3 |             1.6 |
|   Mortgages on real estate                |            1.9 |             2.0 |
| Other long-term liabilities               |            0.2 |             0.3 |
|   Mortgages on real estate                |            0.8 |             0.8 |
| Lease agreements                          |            4.0 |             4.5 |
|   Corporate mortgages                     |            0.2 |             0.2 |

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                      

There have been no noticeable changes in related party transactions in 2008.    

NEXT FINANCIAL REPORT                                                           

Biohit's interim report of the first quarter of 2009 will be published on Friday
8 May 2009 at 9:30 am.                                                          

Helsinki on 13 February 2009                                                    

Board of Directors of Biohit Oyj                                                

Further information:                                                            
Osmo Suovaniemi, M.D., Ph.D., Professor                                         
President & CEO                                                                 
Tel: +358-9-773 861                                                             
GSM: +358-40-745 5605                                                           

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy                                                          
Central storage facility (                                           

About Biohit Oyj                                                                

Biohit Oyj develops, manufactures and markets liquid handling products and      
diagnostic test systems for use in research, health care and industrial         

Liquid handling products include electronic and mechanical pipettes and         
dispensers, and disposable tips, as well as pipette maintenance and calibration 
services. Diagnostics business comprises products and analysis systems for      
diagnosing, screening and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, e.g. the     
blood-sample based GastroPanel and GastroView, for diagnosing diseases of the   
stomach and associated risks, as well as quick tests for the diagnosis of       
lactose intolerance, H. pylori infection and fecal occult blood.                

Biohit Oyj is headquartered in Finland. Biohit has subsidiaries in France,      
Germany, the UK, Russia, China, Japan and the USA. Additionally, Biohit's       
products are sold by approximately 450 distributors in 70 countries. Biohit's   
B-series share (BIOBV) is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.                        



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