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BIOHIT OYJ      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        5.11.2003    AT 10:00


The  net  sales of the Biohit Group totalled MEUR 18.9 (MEUR  18.9  1-
9/2002).  The operating profit before goodwill amortization  was  MEUR
0.1  (MEUR  –0.2). The loss for the period was MEUR –0.6 (MEUR  –1.1).
Biohit focused on the development of the international sales of liquid
handling products and the development of new products.

Net Sales

The  net sales of the Biohit Group totalled MEUR 18.9 (MEUR 18.9). The
net  sales  were  generated primarily by the sales of liquid  handling
products, their disposable tips, and maintenance services. The  growth
of  the  net sales was primarily hindered by the strong value  of  the
euro  compared to the U.S. dollar. The launch of diagnostics has  been
slower  than expected due to, e.g., the preparations made and on-going
registration procedures in the U.S., Japan, China and India.


The  operating profit before goodwill amortization for the period  was
MEUR  0.1 (MEUR –0.2). The EBITDA margin improved by 29% compared with
the corresponding period last year and was MEUR 1.3 (MEUR 1.0).

The operating loss totalled MEUR –0.2 (MEUR –0.7) and the loss for the
period  was  MEUR  –0.6 (MEUR –1.1). The decision made  on  the  third
quarter of 2002 to prolong the goodwill amortization period related to
Locus  Genex  Oy  from seven to twenty years improves  the  comparable
operating  profit by MEUR 0.3 during the reporting period.  Altogether
TEUR 150 have incurred as legal expenses during Q3.

The  income taxes (MEUR 0.2) have been accounted for on the  basis  of
the  result for the period. However, the deferred tax assets  relating
to the tax losses have not been accounted for.

Balance Sheet

Total  assets on the balance sheet totaled MEUR 22.3 (MEUR 22.7).  The
equity ratio on 30.9.2003 was 64.3% (69.2%).


The  cash  flow  provided by operating activities developed  favorably
during  the reporting period and was MEUR 0.5 (MEUR –0.6). The  liquid
assets  at  the  end of the reporting period totalled MEUR  1.2  (MEUR


The  gross investments of the reporting period totalled MEUR 0.9 (MEUR
1.3).  The  major part of the investments consisted of  machinery  and
equipment to improve the automatization of production.


The  average  number  of personnel totalled 298 during  the  reporting
period  (306  during the corresponding period in 2002), of  which  174
were  employed  by the parent company (185 in 2002)  and  124  by  the
subsidiaries  (121 in 2002). The reduction in the number of  personnel
in  the  parent  company resulted from increasing  the  efficiency  of

Main Events of the Reporting Period

In the business area of liquid handling Biohit concluded the following
major agreements.

Biohit  concluded an OEM-agreement with the U.S. company Hamilton  for
the electronic ePET –pipettor range.

During the reporting period Biohit concluded a private label agreement
for  the production of electronic pipettors for the U.S. company  Tyco
Healthcare Group LP.

Moreover,  Biohit  concluded an OEM-agreement with  the  U.S.  company
MicroTyping Systems for electronic pipettors. As a result, Biohit  has
thus  far  concluded sales agreements with two companies belonging  to
the Johnson & Johnson Group.

During  the  reporting period Biohit launched new tip  boxes  and  the
Refill System for the tips of liquid handling products. The tip  boxes
are  available  both  as presterilized or non-sterilized.  The  Refill
System  is  environmentally  friendly  as  the  packaging  is  totally

Biohit  took  into use the new automated production line for  pipettor
tips.  The line enables the manufacture of RNA-, DNA- and pyrogen-free
products.  The production method enables also the manufacture  of  the
aforementioned Refill Systems.

Biohit  continued to develop further the maintenance, calibration  and
training  services  offered by its subsidiaries and distributors.  The
calibration laboratories of Biohit S.A (in France) and Biohit Ltd. (in
the  United  Kingdom)  were  accredited  by  COFRAC  (Comité  francais
d´accreditation)  and  UKAS  (United Kingdom  Accreditation  Service),

In  the area of liquid handling Biohit was awarded the European patent
EP  0837731  for  the  invention:  “Method  for  Correcting  a  Liquid
Dispensing Error, and a Liquid Handling Deviceö.

In  October  Biohit concluded with the U.S. company  3M  a  three-year
additional  agreement  for  the  sales  of  electronic  pipettors  and
pipettor  tips. 


Biohit  continued the evaluations of the GastroPanel, i.e.,  the  test
panel  for  determining  Helicobacter pylori -infection  and  atrophic
gastritis  and  for  screening the risk of gastric cancer  and  peptic
ulcer from blood samples.

GastroSoft,  the program interpreting the results of the  GastroPanel,
has  been developed further. GastroSoft enables to diagnose H.  pylori
–infection and assess the probability of atrophic gastritis located in
the  antrum, corpus or both. The program further enables to  determine
the risk factors for gastric cancer and peptic ulcer. On the basis  of
the results provided by GastroSoft it is possible to assess the levels
of  vitamin  B12 and homocysteine, treat the H. pylori –infection  and
evaluate  the  need for gastroscopy and biopsy examinations. 
Moreover, the program  provides 
an indication of possible reflux disease and Barrett’s disease, which 
lead to oesophageal cancer.

By  the  end  of  the  reporting period eighteen clinical  evaluations
related  with  the GastroPanel had been completed. Fourteen  had  been
made in Europe, three in Asia and one in North America. The number  of
patients studied in the evaluations totalled 3,408. The results of the
said  evaluations  have  thus  far been published  internationally  in
scientific articles and abstracts. The research results indicate  that
the  GastroPanel  examination  is as  useful  as  gastroscopy and
biopsy examinations in  the
evaluation  of atrophic gastritis and related risks (please  refer  to, section: Products/Diagnostics).

At  the end of the reporting period altogether twenty-four evaluations
were  in  progress of which fourteen in Europe, four in Asia,  two  in
North  America, one in South America, two in Africa, and  one  in  the
Near  East.  The  number of patients to be studied in  these  on-going
evaluations  totals  19,424.  By  the  end  of  the  reporting  period
agreements  had  been  made to commence four new evaluations:  two  in
Europe, one in North America and one in South America.

In  September Biohit concluded a distribution agreement with the  U.S.
company  Techlab  Inc.  The  agreement  enables  the  sales   of   the
GastroPanel,   the   GastroSoft,  Biohit’s  other  diagnostic   tests,
monoclonal  antibodies and instruments for research  use  and  service
laboratories in the U.S. as well as for clinical and research  use  in

The  GastroPanel  was  taken into use in service laboratories  in  the
following countries: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden,  the  U.K  and  the  U.S. During the reporting  period  Biohit
received the possibility for receiving patient reimbursement from  the
Social  and Insurance Institution of Finland for the test kits of  the
GastroPanel. The fee for one GastroPanel examination totals EUR 70-100
of which the share of test kits delivered by Biohit is approx. EUR 20.
It  can  be assessed that at least 20 million persons worldwide  would
benefit from the annually performed GastroPanel examination.

During  the reporting period Biohit continuted the preparation of  new
distribution  agreements for the GastroPanel  test  kits.  Biohit  has
focused especially on concluding new distribution agreements in  South
America, the Near East, India and China. These are countries in  which
70-90%  of  the  population  suffer  from  H.  pylori  –infection  and
consequent atrophic gastritis. ‘

The  purpose  of the representative office established  by  Biohit  in
Shanghai is to promote the registration and sales of Biohit’s products
in China.

Equity Turnover and Price Development

The  turnover  of  Biohit’s B-shares on the NM-list  of  the  Helsinki
Exchanges  was  during  the reporting period EUR  1,015,021,  and  the
number  of shares traded 674,870. The highest price was EUR  1.78  and
the lowest EUR 1.22. The average price was EUR 1.50.

Prospects for 2003

Biohit estimates that net sales for 2003 will remain at the same level
as  in  2002.  Biohit  expects that the net sales  for  2003  will  be
generated in whole from the sales of liquid handling products.  Biohit
estimates that the business area of diagnostics will begin to generate
sales in 2004.

Biohit  estimates  that the development of the  result  for  the  last
quartal (Q4) will correspond with the level of the reporting period.

Group Income Statement

                                 1-9     1-9                     1-12
                                2003    2002  Change   Change    2002
                                MEUR    MEUR    MEUR        %    MEUR
Net sales                       18.9    18.9     0.0        0    25.4
Operating expenses             -17.6   -17.9     0.3        2   -24.4
Ebitda                           1.3     1.0     0.3       29     1.0
Depreciation without                                                 
goodwill amortization           -1.2    -1.1    -0.1       -2    -1.5
Operating profit before                                              
goodwill amortization            0.1    -0.2     0.3      164    -0.6
Goodwill amortization           -0.3    -0.6     0.3       46    -0.6
  Operating profit / loss       -0.2    -0.7     0.5       72    -1.2
Financing expenses (net)        -0.2    -0.2     0.0        6    -0.3
Profit/ loss before                                                  
extraordinary items             -0.4    -0.9     0.5       57    -1.5
Extraordinary income             0.0     0.0     0.0        0     0.0
Extraordinary costs              0.0     0.0     0.0        0     0.0
Profit / loss before taxes      -0.4    -0.9     0.5       57    -1.5
Profit / loss for the period    -0.6    -1.1     0.5       46    -1.8

Net sales and profit/loss for periods, quarterly

                     2003                    2002                     
                       Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4     Q3      Q2    Q1
Net sales             6,1     6,3     6,4     6,4    6,1     6,3   6,5
Operating profit                                                      
before goodwill                                                       
amortization          0,2     0,0     0,0    -0,4    0,1     0,1  -0,3
Profit / loss for    -0,1    -0,3    -0,3    -0,7    0,0    -0,4  -0,6
the period

                        30.9.2003        30.9.2002       31.12.2002
Assets                 MEUR       %    MEUR        %    MEUR      %
Non-current assets                                                 
 Intangible assets      3.8      17     4.3       19     4.2     19
 Tangible assets        6.3      28     6.5       29     6.4     29
 Financial assets       0.0       0     0.2        1     0.2      0
Current assets                                                     
 Inventories            4.2      19     3.9       17     3.6     16
 Receivables            5.6      25     5.3       24     5.3     24
 Deferred tax                                                      
  assets                1.2       6     1.5        6     1.3      6
 Cash and cash                                                     
  equivalents           1.2       4     1.0        5     1.4      6
Total assets           22.3     100    22.7      100    22.4    100
Liabilities and                                                    
Shareholders equity                                                
  Share capital         2.2      10     2.2       10     2.2     10
  Share premium        15.4      69    15.4       67    15.4     69
 Accumulated losses    -3.4     -15    -2.1       -9    -2.8    -13
 Capital loans          1.2       6     1.2        5     1.2      6
Minority interest       0.1       0     0.1        0     0.1      0
Long term                                                          
liabilities             2.6      12     2.4       11     2.5     11
liabilities             4.2      18     3.5       16     3.8     17
Total liabilities                                                  
and shareholders                                                   
equity                 22.3     100    22.7      100    22.4    100

                                    1-9            1-9         1-12
                                   2003           2002         2002
Cash  flow  from  operating                                        
Profit    /   loss   before                                        
extraordinary items                -0.4           -0.9         -1.5
Adjustments                         1.6            1.9          2.4
Change   in   net   working        -0.3           -0.2         -0.1
Interest     and      other        -0.3           -0.2         -0.2
financing items paid
Interests received                  0.1            0.0          0.1
Income taxes paid                  -0.2           -1.2         -1.2
Net    cash    flow    from         0.5           -0.6         -0.5
operating activities
Net    cash    flow    from                                        
investing activities:
Investment in tangible  and        -1.0           -1.5         -1.7
intangible assets
Grants received                     0.0            0.1          0.1
Proceeds from the sales  of         0.1            0.0          0.0
other investments
Net    cash    flow    from        -0.9           -1.4         -1.6
investing activities
Net    cash    flow    from                                        
financing activities:
Proceeds  from issuance  of         0.0            0.6          0.6
common stock
Increase in long term debt          0.7            0.4          0.9
Repayment of long-term debt        -0.5           -0.4         -0.5
Net    cash    flow    from         0.2            0.6          1.0
financing activities
Net increase (+) / decrease        -0.2           -1.4         -1.1
(-)   in   cash  and   cash
Cash  and  cash equivalents         1.4            2.4          2.5
at  the  beginning  of  the
Cash  and  cash equivalents         1.2            1.0          1.4
at the end of the period

                         1-9/03   1-9/02    Change Change-%  1-12/02
Investments, gross                                                  
   fixed assets MEUR        0.9      1.3     - 0.4      -30      1.6
   % net sales              4.7      7.1                         6.2
Employees average           298      306        -8       -3      303

                                 30.9.2003     30.9.2002   31.12.2002
                                      MEUR          MEUR         MEUR
Mortgages and shares pledged                                         
for liabilities                                                      
Loans from financial                                                 
institutions                           2.3           1.7          2.1
  Corporate mortgages                  3.4           3.4          3.4
  Pledges on leaseholds                1.5           0.0          1.5
Other long-term liabilities            0.8           0.8          0.8
  Mortgages                            0.8           0.8          0.8
  Leasing commitments                  3.3           4.2          4.1

                                 30.9.2003     30.9.2002   31.12.2002
  Equity ratio, %                     64.3          69.2         66,9
  Earnings per share, EUR            -0.04         -0.08        -0,14
    Shareholders’ equity per          1.10          1.20         1,15
     share, EUR                 12.937.627    12.790.763   12.827.781
Average number of shares                                             
Number of shares at the  end    12.937.627    12.937.627   12.937.627
of the period

Interest on Capital Loans

The unrecorded interest accrued on capital loans totalled MEUR 0.5  on
September 30, 2003 and MEUR 0.5 on December 31, 2002.

Derivative contracts

The Group does not have any off balance sheet financial instruments.

The figures of the Interim Report are unaudited.

Helsinki, November 5, 2003

Board of Directors of Biohit Oyj

Overview on Biohit

Biohit develops, manufactures and markets liquid handling products and
accessories  as well as diagnostic test systems for use  in  research,
health care and industrial laboratories.

Reliable  basic  and applicable research work together  with  numerous
patented  innovations in Finland and abroad form  the  basis  for  the
development  of  Biohit’s  products.  Currently  Biohit  possesses  29

patents  and  10  patent applications in Finland. The  innovation  and
patent   strategy   applied  by  Biohit  has  promoted   international
competitiveness and co-operation. The mission of Biohit is to  enhance
through its innovations the health and welfare of people.

Currently,  Biohit’s range of electronic and mechanical  pipettors  is
the  widest  in  the  world. Biohit is the  global  market  leader  of
electronic  pipettors  which enhance safety at  work.  The  electronic
pipettors  developed and manufactured by Biohit complement, e.g.,  the
diagnostic test systems of three companies belonging to the Johnson  &
Johnson Group and 3M.

The  size of the global market for different liquid handling products,
i.e.,  mechanical  and  electronic pipettors and  their  tips,  totals
approx. USD 0.6 – 0.7 billion. As to mechanical pipettors, the  annual
growth  rate of the market is approx. 10%. It has been estimated  that
as  the  awareness  of work-related upper limb disorders  and  patient
safety  increases, the share of electronic pipettors  of  the  overall
pipettor markets will gradually increase.

In  the  area  of diagnostics Biohit has developed a test  panel,  the
GastroPanel  and the GastroSoft –computer program, for diagnosing  and
screening  H.pylori –infection and atrophic gastritis as well  as  for
assessing  the  risk  of gastric cancer and peptic  ulcer  from  blood
samples. GastroPanel can replace gastroscopy as an initial method when
examining   patients  suffering  from  stomach  pain  and  discomfort.
Atrophic  gastritis refers to an inflammation, damage and 
malfunction  present
in the stomach.

It  has been estimated that approx. 25% of the global population  will
suffer  from  atrophic  gastritis  during  their  lifetime. Over 10% 
of the population will suffer from peptic ulcer, and approx. 0.1 – 1.0
% from gastric cancer. Atrophic gastritis located in the corpus of the
stomach may result in the malabsorption of vitamin B12 from nutrition.
Especially  in the case of the elderly, the malabsorption  may  cause,
e.g., dementia, peripheral neural damages and an increase in the level
of homocysteine in the body. The latter, on its part, is a risk factor
for atherosclerosis and heart attacks and strokes. Atrophic gastritis 
nearly always cause by H. pylori –infection, of which approx. half  of
the  global  population  suffer  from.  If  diagnosed  early,  in   an
asymptomatic stage, atrophic gastritis can be treated.

Approx.  one third of the global population will during their lifetime
suffer  from  dyspepsia,  which  refers  to  the  occasional or
continuous pain  or
discomfort in the upper part of the stomach. GastroPanel can serve  as
an  initial  method  for diagnosing the causes of dyspepsia and the 
status of the mucosa of the stomach prior to
gastroscopy and biopsy examinations. Furthermore, GastroPanel
enables to determine the risk of gastric cancer, peptic ulcer  or  the
risk  of Barrett’s oesophagus, which is a result
long  lasted  reflux  disease and increases the  risk  of  oesophageal
cancer. Approx. 25% of the population suffers from the reflux disease.

Biohit also offers  in  the  area  of
diagnostics the following tests: a serum-based test for the  diagnosis
of  systemic  lupus erythematosus (SLE), test based on biopsy  samples
for  the  determination  of  lactose intolerance,  and  30  monoclonal
antibodies for the diagnosis of different types of disease from tissue
samples. In Finland approx. 20% of the population suffer from  lactose
intolerance. In certain other countries the prevalence may be as  high
as 90%. As to SLE, which is related to the differential diagnosis 
of rheumatic diseases,
the  global prevalence is approx. 0.1 – 0.4%. As to the entire  global
population approx. 2% suffer from rheumatic diseases.

The  aforementioned  diagnostic tests developed  and  manufactured  by
Biohit can be considered unique. The tests can, in the first place, be
viewed as a means to promote the research work performed in the  field
of  their  use. Secondly, the tests can be considered to  promote  so-
called “Evidence-Based Medicineö, which refers to drawing up a correct
diagnosis  and, subsequently, commencing targeted treatment  based  on
the diagnosis made.

In  order  to  be  able to offer complete analyzing  systems  for  its
customer base, Biohit’s product range includes, in addition to  liquid
handling  products and diagnostics, instruments and programs used 
for the  analysis
of  test results. Moreover, Biohit offers as a part of its product and
marketing  strategy  maintenance, calibration  and  training  services
through the Group companies and its distributors.

Biohit’s  production plants are located in Kajaani and  Helsinki.  The
sales  and  marketing  network of Biohit covers numerous  distributors
worldwide,  as well as subsidiaries in France, Germany, Italy,  Japan,
Russia,  the U.K. and the U.S., and a representative office in  China.
Biohit  has  expanded  its production of liquid handling  products  in
China  and India. Biohit exports 97% of its production, and the degree
of domestic production is 95%.

Biohit Oyj

Helena Hentola
Corporate Communications

Additional information:  Osmo  Suovaniemi, Professor, President & CEO,
                         tel:  +358-9-773 861, direct:  +358-9-773  86
                         250,  mobile: +358-40 745 5605, fax:  +358-9-
                         773 86 205,


Distribution:            Helsinki Exchanges
                         Financial Supervisory Authority
