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  • New Acetium capsule that reduces carcinogenic acetaldehyde now available in pharmacies in Finland

New Acetium capsule that reduces carcinogenic acetaldehyde now available in pharmacies in Finland

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25 May 2010
The new Acetium capsule, developed by Biohit Oyj/Finland, reduces carcinogenic  
acetaldehyde in the stomach. This over-the-counter product will be available in 
pharmacies in Finland from May 26th 2010.                                       

The Acetium capsule is recommended for people who have low-acid or acid-free    
stomachs, suffer from chronic Helicobacter pylori infections or are undergoing  
long-term treatment with medications that reduce gastric acid secretion (PPI    
drugs and H2 blockers), since microbes produce acetaldehyde in acid-free        
stomachs. In addition, acetaldehyde in tobacco smoke reaches the stomach by     
dissolving in the smoker's saliva. An acid-free stomach, a Helicobacter pylori  
infection and smoking are the most important risk factors for stomach cancer.   
Furthermore, an acid-free stomach and smoking are also independent risk factors 
for oesophageal cancer.                                                         

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which forms part of the 
World Health Organisation, has classified acetaldehyde contained in alcoholic   
beverages or produced from alcohol endogenously (e.g. in the gastrointestinal   
tract) as a Group I carcinogen. The above WHO classification places it in the   
same risk group as, for example, asbestos and tobacco. Exposure to acetaldehyde 
is connected to around 4 million new cases of cancer worldwide every year, or   
close to 40 per cent of all cancers.                                            

"Acetaldehyde has been proven to be the most likely cause of gastric cancers in 
patients with acid-free stomachs", explains Professor Mikko Salaspuro of the    
University of Helsinki, who has been researching the detrimental effects of     
acetaldehyde for more than 30 years. "Approximately 500 million people worldwide
are affected by this, almost 100,000 of them in Finland. Until now, there has   
been no way of reducing their cancer risk apart from quitting smoking. The same 
is true of the hundreds of millions of people with untreated or                 
treatment-resistant chronic Helicobacter pylori infections."                    

Salaspuro compares acetaldehyde research to research on cholesterol. In both    
cases, key evidence has been gained from genetic studies. Gene mutations found  
in a certain segment of the population heighten susceptibility to acetaldehyde  
or cholesterol and thereby the risk of cancers and vascular diseases.           

Acetaldehyde is primarily produced from alcohol but also from sugar in an
acid-free stomach 

Salaspuro points out: "The cancer risk posed by acetaldehyde is increased by the
fact that we are consuming the substance all the time and via different         

Acetaldehyde is a key product generated during both the fermentation            
process and the burning of alcohol. Calvados, sherry, port wine, and certain    
fruit-based sweet wines have a particularly high acetaldehyde content resulting 
from fermentation.                                                              

High concentrations of the substance are also found in many other               
fermentation-based drinks and foodstuffs. In addition, many of our everyday     
foods and beverages contain small amounts of alcohol, from which microbes in the
gastrointestinal tract efficiently generate high concentrations of acetaldehyde 
in the mouth and an acid-free stomach, resulting in damage to cell DNA. In
addition, many bacteria and yeasts have to survive without oxygen in an
acid-free stomach. In such a case, they receive their energy from sugar which
transforms into ethanol via 
acetaldehyde with the help of alcoholic fermentation. Therefore, an acid-free   
stomach can generate notable concentrations of alcohol and acetaldehyde even if 
no alcohol is consumed.                                                         

Whenever possible, cancer prevention is the number one goal with respect to     
individuals and society. The prognosis for people diagnosed with stomach or     
oesophageal cancer is very poor. No more than five to ten per cent of such      
patients are still alive within five years of the diagnosis. Attempts to improve
this prognosis have included regular endoscopies of the oesophagus and stomach  
with the purpose of detecting and treating cancer at the earliest stage         

Salaspuro continues: "For the first time ever, Acetium now offers a realistic   
possibility of preventing gastric cancers."                                     

Acetium effectively binds acetaldehyde in acid-free stomachs                    

Classified as medical device, the Acetium capsule contains 100 mg of vegetable  
L-cysteine as an active ingredient. L-cysteine is a perfectly safe, natural     
amino acid, small amounts of which are digested daily along with proteins in    
regular food.                                                                   

"However, cysteine is absorbed from food only in the duodenum and therefore does
not reduce the acetaldehyde concentration in the stomach", explains Product     
Development Manager, MSc (Pharm) Tuuli Marvola of Biohit. "The L-cysteine in the
Acetium capsule spreads slowly and evenly in the stomach, effectively binding to
the acetaldehyde molecule and rendering it inactive."                           

Acetium capsules are taken together with meals or alcoholic beverages.          

Clinical studies have proven that 200 mg of L-cysteine, the dose contained in   
two Acetium capsules, can bind acetaldehyde for at least 45 minutes.            

In collaboration with University of Helsinki scientists and in-house scientific 
advisers, Biohit has developed an array of methods which significantly help     
reduce the exposure of the gastrointestinal tract (mouth, pharynx, oesophagus   
and stomach) to carcinogenic acetaldehyde. The company has pending and granted  
patents in several countries. 

Further information:                                                            

Press: www.biohit.com/acetium                                                   

Information on acetaldehyde and the product:                                    

Mikko Salaspuro, M.D., Professor                                                
Biomedicum Helsinki, University of Helsinki                                     
Scientific advisor and member of the board of directors of Biohit Oyj           
GSM: +358 500 511 689                                                           

Tuuli Marvola, M.Sc. Pharm.                                                     
Sales and Product Development Manager, Biohit Oyj                               
Tel. +358 9 7738 6282                                                           

Osmo Suovaniemi, M.D., Ph.D., Professor                                         
President and CEO, Biohit Oyj                                                   
Tel: +358 9 773 861                                                             
GSM: +358 40 745 5605                                                           

About Biohit Oyj                                                                

Established in 1988, Biohit Oyj is a Finnish biotechnology company, acting on   
the global market. Biohit's operations are based on a goal-oriented and         
long-term innovation and patenting strategy.                                    
Biohit works with scientific communities to produce new technologies, products  
and services based on research results and innovations that can be used to      
develop safe and cost-effective liquid handling solutions for laboratory work as
well as diagnostic tests for the early detection and prevention of diseases of  
the gastrointestinal tract.                                                     

Biohit has two business segments: liquid handling and diagnostics. Liquid       
handling products include electronic and mechanical pipettes, disposable tips as
well as pipette maintenance and calibration services for research institutions, 
healthcare and industrial laboratories.                                         

The diagnostics business comprises products and analysis systems for the early  
diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases, such as the blood-sample based          
GastroPanel examinations for the diagnosis of stomach illnesses and associated  
risks, quick tests for the diagnosis of lactose intolerance and H. pylori       
infection in connection with gastroscopy, and the ColonView examination for the 
early detection of intestinal bleeding that indicates a risk of colorectal      

Biohit has expanded its business into consumer healthcare products for          
preventing serious illnesses. The Acetium innovation, the result of many years  
of research, reduces carcinogenic acetaldehyde in acid-free stomachs.           

The Biohit Group employs around 390 people. The company is headquartered in     
Helsinki, Finland, and has subsidiaries in France, Germany, the UK, Russia,     
India, China, Japan and the USA, as well as a representative office in          
Singapore. Additionally, Biohit's products are sold by approximately 450        
distributors in 70 countries.                                                   

Biohit's series B share (BIOBV) is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Small         
cap/Healthcare since 1999.                                                      

Read more at www.biohit.com


