Interim report January - March 1999
Interim report January - March 1999 * A further seven EU countries have announced they will approve RescueFlow® for marketing. * The Annual General Meeting voted unanimously to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on a possible new share issue. * The Annual General Meeting elected Ulf Holmström and Gösta Jonsson as new Board members. * The net result for the period amounted to a loss of SEK 9,285,000 (loss: 16,035,000). * Research and development costs amounted to SEK 6,570,000 (10,745,000). Krillase® In mid-April, a smaller study concerning Krillase® was launched. The purpose of the study is to indicate whether intensive wound treatment using Krillase® (4-6 applications per day for a maximum of four days) can clean chronic leg ulcers so effectively that successful skin transplantation can be carried out without delay. The long-term wound healing will also be monitored during a two-month period following the treatment.