Biotage AB (publ) publishes its 2010 Annual Report

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The company generated net sales of 428,9 MSEK (394,1 MSEK). 

The operating result*) amounted to 25,7 MSEK (-10,1) and total profit after tax*) for the year of 34,2 MSEK (13,5). 

Total profit per share*) of 0,41 SEK (0,15). 
*) Excluding write-down of goodwill with 444,5 MSEK

The full report is available at: 

The information in this press release is of the kind that Biotage AB (publ) may be required to make public according to the Securities Market Act and/or Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released for publication at 8.30 am on April 6, 2011.

About Biotage:
Biotage offers solutions, knowledge and experience in the areas of analytical chemistry and medicinal chemistry. The customers include the world’s largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and leading academic institutes. The company is headquartered in Uppsala and has subsidiaries in the US, UK and Japan. Biotage has 272 employees and had sales of 428.9 MSEK in 2010. Biotage is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm stock exchange.

Torben Jörgensen, President and CEO
Tel+46 18 56 59 00
Tel: +46 707 49 05 84,         

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