Interim report January - March 2010

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First quarter 2010 • Group net sales amounted to 99.9 MSEK (99.6). At comparable exchange rates sales increased by 14 percent. • The operating result amounted to 4.6 MSEK (-21.7). The result for the first quarter 2009 included a restructuring reserve to the amount of -21.2 MSEK. • The result after tax amounted to 3.2 MSEK (-21.6). • Earnings per share amounted to 0.04 SEK (-0.24). • The cash flow from operating activities amounted to 24.7 MSEK (20.9) of which discontinued operations 23.4 MSEK (-4,9). • Net cash at March 31, 2010 amounted to 383.3 MSEK, compared to 327.2 MSEK at December 31, 2009. • During the quarter Biotage repurchased 392,121 own shares to a total value of 2.7 MSEK, i.e. an average share price of 6.94 SEK. • The strategy to increase the proportion of consumables has been successful. During the quarter the proportion was 49 percent. • Biotage intensifies its efforts in the area of consumables and Sample Prep through the acquisition of MIP Technologies AB. For further information, please contact: Torben Jörgensen, president and CEO, phone: +46 707 49 05 84 Mats-Olof Wallin, CFO, phone: +46 705 93 52 73 The information is of the kind that Biacore AB (publ) is required to make public according to the Securities Act. The information was released for publication at 2 pm on April 29, 2010.

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