Resolutions at the Annual General Meeting in Biotage AB on April 26, 2007

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At the Annual General Meeting held in Biotage AB (Reg. No. 556539-3138) on April 26, 2007, the following resolutions were passed, among others.

Appropriation of the company’s result
The General Meeting resolved that the company’s accumulated losses shall be carried forward.

Board of Directors etc.
The General Meeting resolved to re-elect Ove Mattsson, Thomas Eklund, Annika Espander, Staffan Lindstrand, Anders Rydin, Bengt Samuelsson and Mathias Uhlén as Board members and to elect Axel Broms and Per-Olof Eriksson as new Board members. The General Meeting resolved to appoint Ove Mattsson Chairman of the Board. The former Board members Jeff Bork and Björn Odlander had expressed their wish to resign as Board members.

The General Meeting resolved that a fee of SEK 1,400,000 shall be paid to the Board of Directors for the period up to and including the Annual General Meeting 2008 to be distributed as follows: the Chairman shall receive SEK 400,000 and each of the other Board members elected by the General Meeting who are not employed by the company shall receive SEK 125,000. In addition to that, a fee shall be paid to the members of the Auditing Committee of an aggregate of not more than SEK 100,000, whereof the Chairman shall receive SEK 50,000 and the other members SEK 25,000 each.

At the General Meeting it was informed that the employee organisation “Civilingenjörsförbundet” and “Naturvetarna” at Biotage have appointed Per-Gunnar Eriksson to employee Board representative, and that the employee organisation “SIF” at Biotage has appointed Maritha Lundin to alternate Board representative.

Nomination Committee
The General Meeting resolved that the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be appointed as member of the Nomination Committee and shall be instructed to appoint, in consultation with the (by voting rights) major shareholders of the company as per September 1, 2007, another three members. The names of such members shall be published no later than six months before the Annual General Meeting 2008. The Nomination Committee shall appoint one of the members to be the Chairman of the Committee. The Chairman of the Board may not be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee shall, before the Annual General Meeting 2008, prepare proposals for the election of Chairman and other members of the Board of Directors, the election of auditors, the election of Chairman of the Annual General Meeting, the determination of fees and matters pertaining thereto.

Resolution on guidelines for compensation for the executive management
The General Meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for compensation for the executive management in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors.

Authorization for the Board of Directors to issue shares and/or convertibles
The General Meeting resolved to authorize the Board to issue shares and/or convertibles with or without deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights. The Board of Directors shall have the right to resolve that the shares and/or the convertibles shall be paid in kind or otherwise be subject to conditions referred to in Chapter 2 Section 5 second paragraph 1-3 and 5 of the Swedish Companies Act or that the shares and/or the convertibles shall be subscribed for with a right of set-off. The Board’s resolutions may result in an increase of the number of shares in the company by not more than 8,800,000 shares in total.

Adoption of a global employee stock option program and authorization for the Board of Directors to issue warrants with the right to subscribe for new shares in relation to the employee stock option program
The General Meeting resolved to adopt a global employee stock option program, according to which employees of the group can be allocated, at no premium, in total not more than 1,000,000 employee stock options until the Annual General Meeting 2008.

The exercise price for the options shall correspond to the higher of either (a) 110 per cent of the average of the last price paid for a share in Biotage as quoted on the Official List of the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the five trading days immediately preceding the date of allocation, and (b) 110 per cent of the last price paid on the date of allocation. The duration period shall be seven years from the date of allocation and the options vest after one to three years after the date of allocation, by one-third of the number of allocated options for each one-year period.

Upon full exercise of all the employee stock options, the employees will acquire shares in the company corresponding to approximately 1.1 per cent of the share capital and votes based on the existing number of shares (after such exercise).

In order to secure the proposed employee stock option program, the General Meeting resolved to authorize the Board to issue warrants with the right to subscribe for new shares in Biotage. In total, not more than 1,250,000 warrants may be issued, of which a total of not more than 250,000 warrants are intended to be used in order to cover the costs that may arise because of the employee stock option program. Each warrant shall entitle to subscription for one new share in Biotage. The right to subscribe for the warrants shall, with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, only vest with a bank, securities broker or similar, alternatively a wholly owned subsidiary to the company, appointed by the Board of Directors.

Assuming that all warrants are exercised for subscription of new shares, the company’s share capital will increase by SEK 1,250,000, which corresponds to a dilution of approximately 1.4 per cent of the share capital and votes based on the existing number of shares (after such exercise).

Uppsala, April 26, 2007
Biotage AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

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