Bisnode acquires Teleadress

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Bisnode has signed an agreement to acquire Swedish TA Teleadress Information AB from Schibsted Tillväxtmedier AB. With the acquisition Bisnode strengthens its position as a supplier of high quality consumer information while at the same time gaining clear cost synergies.

Teleadress has 35 employees and annual sales of approximately SEK 60 million. The company has a leading position on the Swedish market for direct marketing information. Teleadress has information about 5.6 million people in 3.6 million households as well as information about close to 1 million companies in Sweden. Teleadress makes an average of 30 000 updates daily to maintain its databases. “With this acquisition Bisnode gains clear cost synergies since many of our Swedish companies are Teleadress customers. We will also strengthen our databases with refined subscriber information and become independent of external suppliers in this strategically important information field,” says Johan Wall, CEO Bisnode. “We are happy to be able to further deepen the long and excellent co-operation with Teleadress that Bisnode has enjoyed. Bisnode continuously strives to offer information of the highest quality and together with Teleadress we reinforce our leading position in this market,” says Mats Erwald, Regional Director Nordic. Bisnode already owns 19.9 per cent of Teleadress and now acquires the remaining 80.1 per cent. The acquisition, which will be closed in late December 2009, is expected to contribute positively to Bisnode’s profits in 2009.


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