Extraordinary general meeting of Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB (PUBL)

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The shareholders in Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB (publ), corporate identity number 556673-9164, are hereby invited to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 2 pm on 22 November 2007 at Wistrand Advokatbyrå, Regeringsgatan 65, 7th Floor, Stockholm.

A. Entitlement to attend

Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must be registered in the register of shareholders held by VPC on 16 November 2007. Shareholders whose shares are registered in the names of nominees must have their shares temporarily re-registered. The shareholder must inform the nominee thereof in good time prior to the date indicated above.

Notification of attendance must be made to the company no later than 4 pm on 17 November 2007. Notification should be made by e-mail: anmalan@bluefishpharma.se or on the website www.bluefishpharma.com. Notification by post should be addressed to Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB, Box 3175, 103 63 Stockholm. Mark the envelope ”EGM”. Notification may also be made by phone on +46 (0)8-679 50 70.

B. Proposed agenda

1. Election of Chairman of the meeting.
2. Establishment and approval of voting list.
3. Approval of the agenda.
4. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes.
5. Determination of whether the meeting has been properly convened.
6. Election of the Board
7. Closing of the meeting.

C. Election of the Board (Item 6)

The Board member Bo Rönnberg has asked to be relieved of his duties in the company. Shareholders representing approximately 73% have proposed that the Board be modified so that the Board will comprise four full members without deputies. This proposal entails the new election of Erika Kjellberg Eriksson and Carl Palmstierna. Erika Kjellberg Eriksson is proposed as the new Chairman of the Board. Karl Karlsson and Lars-Göran Kjellin remain as members of the Board.

Stockholm, November 2007

Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB (publ)

The Board of Directors


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