Report from the Annual General Meeting in Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB

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The Annual General Meeting in Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB was held on 10 June 2011 at 10.00 (CET) in Stockholm

At the Annual General Meeting the following decisions were passed:
- The Meeting resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet inserted in the annual report for 2010 and to adopt the income statement and balance sheet inserted in the Group annual report for 2010.

- The Meeting resolved not to pay dividends to shareholders.

- The Meeting resolved to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer from liability for the fiscal year 2010.

- The Meeting resolved to re-elect Gerald Engström, Carl Palmstierna and Karl Karlsson as members of the Board of Directors until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. At the following constituent Board of Directors’ meeting, Gerald Engström was elected Chairman of the Board.

- The Meeting resolved that the fees to the Board of Directors should amount to SEK 200 000 to the Chairman and SEK 100 000 to each of the other Board members that are not employed by the company.

The Meeting resolved to re-elect PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, with company auditor Hans Jönsson, for a period of one year until the end of the next Annual General Meeting in 2012.

- The Meeting resolved that fees to the company auditors will be paid at current account.

- The Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve upon the issue of in total not more than 8 000 000 new A or B shares or the corresponding amount of warrants and convertible debentures with payment in kind, via settlement or other ways of subscription under conditions according to chapter 13 article 5 first paragraph 6 in the Swedish Companies Act.


For more information contact,

Karl Karlsson, President & CEO Bluefish Pharmaceuticals
Tel. 46 8 519 116 20

Susanna Urdmark, CFO Bluefish Pharmaceuticals
Tel. 46 8 519 116 21




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