Annual General Meeting

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Annual General Meeting
Stavanger, 14 April, 2008: Norwegian Energy Company ASA (Noreco, OSE:NOR), Noreco's annual general meeting will be held in Stavanger on 25 April 2008.
Noreco's Annual General Meeting will be held on 25 April 2008 at 1400 hours (Norwegian time) at Hall Toll, 2nd floor, Skansegt. 2, 4006 Stavanger, Norway. The attached calling notice has been sent by mail to the company's shareholders.
If you would like to participate in the Annual General Meeting, either personally or by proxy, please complete the registration form or the proxy slip enclosed to the calling notice. The registration of attendance must be received by the Company no later than 23 April 2008 at 0900 hours (Norwegian time). The form may be sent by post or telefax to:
Norwegian Energy Company ASA
att.: Tone Klepaker Skartveit
Postboks 550 Sentrum
4003 Stavanger
Telefax: +47 51 53 33 33
If so desired, you can assign your proxy to the chairman of the Board Lars Takla.
 A shareholder is entitled to raise items of business for the General Meeting by submitting them in writing to the Board at least two weeks prior to the General Meeting.
This notice with attachments, as well as the Company's Articles of Association, is also available on the Company's website:
For further information, please contact:
Einar Gjelsvik, Vice President Investor Relations (+47 992 83 856)
