Changes in the Nomination Committee's proposals
Stavanger, 12 April 2011: On 7 April Norwegian Energy Company (Noreco) sent out the calling notice for the 2011 Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee's proposals for members to the Board were attached the calling notice.
The Nomination Committee has now been made aware that one of the proposed candidates, Trine Sæther Romuld, due to other commitments is prevented from taking on a position at the Noreco Board. The Nomination Committee will thus withdraw its proposal regarding Romuld's candidature and will revert with an updated proposal as soon as possible.
Those shareholders who have already sent a form of power of attorney, and who wish to change their casting of votes for item 13.5 on the agenda are asked to send a new form of power of attorney after the Nomination Committee's final proposal has been made public. Those shareholders who have sent the form of power of attorney and do not send a new form as mentioned will be deemed to have maintained their casting of votes for item 13.5.
Tone Klepaker Skartveit, Corporate Planning Advisor +47 992 83 882
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)