NOR02: Noreco exercises right to call entire outstanding bond

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Stavanger, 19 October, 2009: Norwegian Energy Company ASA ("Noreco" or "the Company" - OSE:NOR) has informed the Trustee for NOR02 (NO 001037907.6) that the Company will exercise its call option by making an early repayment of all outstanding bonds.
NOR01 totaling NOK 400 million will be called according to the loan agreement at 103% of par value. Notice for early redemption of the bonds in their entirety will be filed with the bondholders today. NOR01 (NO 001037906.8) will also be called simultaneously with NOR02.
The outstanding bonds will be repaid at the call price on or about 1 December.
Einar Gjelsvik, Vice President Strategy & IR (+47 99 28 38 56)
Jan Nagell, CFO (+47 99 49 72 71)
