Programming marathon with 70,000 in prize pool
On May 7-9, the Arctic Chain Hackathon programming competition is held at Boden Business Park. "It will be learning and, above all, fun days", says the organizer.
Solve a given blockchain programming task in 48 hours and compete for the first prize of SEK 50,000. These are the basic conditions for Arctic Chain Hackathon. You can either compete in teams or alone and both students and experienced programmers are welcome to register. The second best solution wins SEK 20,000.
- This is a chance for talents to show their skills, but also for us to develop new business ideas, says Malin Winsa, Boden Business Park.
The organizers hope that this will, above all, be a fun event where you get to hang out with like-minded people, let your imagination flow and together create a focused and creative environment. Here you should both be able to learn from each other and find new inspiration.
- Our long-term goal is to create a development hub for blockchain solutions here and then a hackathon feels right. It is part of the development of an ecosystem around our data center initiative, says Nils Lindh, Boden Business Park.
During the days, dinners and lunches are organized where there is the opportunity to meet useful contacts in the industry.
- We want to show that there are opportunities in Boden, that you do not have to move south to get a fun programming job. It happens a lot here, Malin says.
The theme of the coding competition is Democracy 4.0 and for the assignment stands. They have developed a solution that makes it possible for different organizations to exchange personal data between them - in a way that the individual himself has power over his own tasks. The case to which the participants must relate is how to simplify the management of consent and exchange of personal data between the individual and the public sector.
- For us, it feels like a natural step to look at how blockchain can interact with GDPR. Therefore, Arctic Chain Hackathon is an excellent way for us to test new solutions based on our platform, says Lotta Lundin, founder and CEO of
Here's how it goes:
On Tuesday morning (May 7), the presents the assignment and the contestants get 48 hours to solve it in the best way. Most of the work is done on its own, but there are experts on site to give advice and guidance.
On Thursday morning (May 9), the teams pitch their solutions to a jury who then appoints the first and second prize winners. These will be presented at the inauguration of the Blockchain North conference at 11 am on 9 May in Studio Nord.
Parallel to the programming competition, there is a competition for best business concept in blockchain. Here, the contestants pitch their business idea for a jury consisting of experts and venture capitalists who can take the idea further. The winner will be presented during dinner on Wednesday, May 8th.
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Caption, first image: Organizers Malin Winsa, Boden Business Park, and Nils Lindh, Boden Business Park/Boden Business Agency.
Photographer: KOMM / Boden municipality
Caption, second image: A hackathon is a programming marathon where programmers help each other and learn from one another. At Arctic Chain Hackathon, the teams compete over first prize, 50,000 SEK, and the theme is blockchain.
Photographer: Annie Spratt/Unsplash
Nils Lindh, Business developer of electricity-intensive industries, Boden Business Park/Boden Business Agency
+46 70-740 13 36 /
Malin Winsa, business developer, Boden Business Park
+46 70-601 20 24 /