Bulletin from Boliden AB’s Annual General Meeting held on 3 May 2007

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Dividend and redemption procedure
The Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the CEO, to pay a dividend to shareholders of SEK 4 per share and that Tuesday, 8 May 2006 shall be the record date for dividend entitlement. The dividend is expected to be distributed on 11 May, 2007 through VPC AB.

The Meeting also decided to approve a redemption procedure for shares whereby every share will be split into two shares, of which one share will be redeemed for SEK 12. The record day at VPC for implementation of the share split and for entitlement, in the capacity of shareholder, to receive redemption shares, shall be 25 May 2007. The date for payment of the redemption amount is estimated to be 20th June 2007.

Acquisition of the company’s own shares
The Meeting resolved to authorise the Board to approve the acquisition of the company’s own shares in order to provide the Board with a flexible tool enabling ongoing adjustments to be made to the capital structure, at the time and to the extent deemed appropriate in the light of the then current cash flows and investment requirements.

No more than one tenth of all shares in the company may be acquired and the acquisition is limited to the non-restricted equity in Boliden AB and the authorisation may be exercised on one or more occasions, but no later than the 2008 Annual General Meeting of the company.

Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect the ordinary members, Carl Bennet, Marie Berglund, Jan Johansson, Ulla Litzén, Leif Rönnbäck, Matti Sundberg, Anders Sundström and Anders Ullberg.
Staffan Bohman was elected as a new Member of the Board. Anders Ullberg was appointed Chairman of the Board.

Nomination Committee
The Meeting resolved that Boliden should appoint a Nomination Committee composed of representatives of the five largest shareholders, one representative of the smaller shareholders (appointed by The Swedish Shareholders’ Association) and the Chairman of the Board, who shall also be the convenor.

Fees and remunerations
The Meeting resolved that the fees of the Group’s Directors shall be payable in the amounts of SEK 850,000 to the Chairman and SEK 325,000 to each Member of the Board that is not employed by the company. Furthermore, a fee of SEK 100,000 will be paid to the Chairman of the Audit Committee and with SEK 50,000 to each of the Audit Committee’s two members.

Remuneration to Members shall comprise a basic salary, any variable remuneration, as well as other benefits and pension. The aggregate remuneration shall be at market rates and shall be competitive. The basic salary shall be related to the level of responsibility borne and authority exercised by the individual Member. The variable remuneration is maximised at 50 per cent of the basic salary and shall be based on the outcome in relation to established goals.

Gällivare, 3 May, 2007

Boliden AB


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