New number of votes in Bonava AB due to conversion

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The number of shares and votes in Bonava AB has changed due to conversions of a total of 11,635 shares of series A to a total of 11,635 shares of series B.

According to Bonava’s articles of association, owner of a share of series A has the right to request that such share is converted to a share of series B. In September, 11,635 shares of series A shares were converted to 11,635 shares of series B at the request of shareholders. Following the conversions, there were, as of September 29, the last trading day of the month, a total of 108,435,822 registered shares in Bonava AB. Of these 13,191,607 are shares of series A and 95,244,215 shares of series B. The number of votes in the company amounts to 227,160,285 based on the number of registered shares.


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Ann-Sofi Danielsson, CFO and Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +46 706 740 720

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Bonava is a leading residential development company in Northern Europe. Born out of NCC, Bonava has been creating homes and neighbourhoods since the 1930s. Today, Bonava has 1,600 employees and operates in Sweden, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Norway, St. Petersburg, Estonia and Latvia with sales of SEK 13.5 billion. Bonava’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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This information is information that Bonava AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 08.00 CET on September 29, 2017.