Breast cancer research funding for Cardiff

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Press release 14 April 2010 Media Contact: Claire Learner, Media Relations Officer, Breast Cancer Campaign, 020 7749 3705 email: Breast cancer research funding for Cardiff Breast Cancer Campaign has awarded a £20,000 grant to Dr Richard Clarkson at Cardiff University. The grant, which forms part of £5 million awarded by Breast Cancer Campaign in 2009, will look specifically at the role a gene called Bcl3 plays in making certain types of tumours spread. Breast cancer cells that produce a molecule called HER2 tend to grow fast and spread to other parts of the body in a short time period. Researchers studying HER2 producing tumours have discovered that stopping a gene called Bcl3 from working reduces their ability to spread. In this new research Dr Clarkson will take the first steps to find out exactly how this gene is involved in this process. Dr Clarkson said, “I am grateful to Breast Cancer Campaign for funding this innovative project which we hope will begin to uncover the role Bcl3 plays in breast cancer development. This will provide knowledge that could pave the way for new drugs to stop Bcl3 working and halt breast cancer spread.” Arlene Wilkie, Director of Research and Policy, Breast Cancer Campaign said, “Despite clinical advances in breast cancer, around 12,000 people in the UK die from this disease each year. If we can find an effective way to stop breast cancer cells from spreading it will help increase the chances of survival for many women in the future.” Ends Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to beat breast cancer by funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure • Currently it supports 117 research projects, worth over £17 million, in 40 centres of excellence across the UK and Ireland • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • In the UK, nearly 46,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year - that’s 125 a day • Visit • Read Chief Executive Pamela Goldberg’s blog