Hartlepool fundraiser to plunge 10,000ft to celebrate 40th birthday

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Press release For immediate release: 03 March 2010 Press contact: Emily Snelling, 020 7749 4102 esnelling@breastcancercampaign.org A daring fundraiser from Hartlepool is taking to the skies in support of Breast Cancer Campaign to help raise vital funds for breast cancer research and to celebrate turning 40 this year. Julie Dawson who works at a local school as a lunchtime supervisor, will be taking part in a 10,000ft tandem skydive on Saturday 20 March 2010 at Durham Airfield, to raise funds for research into breast cancer – a disease which 46,000 people are diagnosed with every year. Julie sadly lost her mother to breast cancer and her father to cancer and will be taking on the skydive as a tribute to both of them. Julie said “I felt I wanted to do something to help raise money for Breast Cancer Campaign who fund world-class research into beating breast cancer. I know how devastating the effects of the disease are, having lost my mother nine years ago, and it is vital that research continues to improve survival rates. I am really excited about celebrating my 40th birthday in such a unique way but I know that on the day I will be very nervous!” Julie is depending on the generosity of friends in the community to help raise sponsorship for the charity, if you would like to help Julie with her fundraising by making a donation go to http://www.justgiving.com/Julie-Michelle-Dawson- If you would like to take part in a skydive for Breast Cancer Campaign, or for more information about any of the charity’s fundraising events, please call 0207 749 4125 email adventuresports@breastcancercampaign.org or visit www.breastcancercampaign.org jumps run all year and take place nationwide. Picture caption: Julie Dawson prepares for her skydive in aid of Breast Cancer Campaign ENDS Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to be the leading specialist in breast cancer research across the UK and the Republic of Ireland making a significant impact for the benefit of patients • The charity currently funds 108 projects worth over £16.5 million in 41 locations across the UK • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • Every year in the UK over 45,700 women and almost 300 men are diagnosed with breast cancer, and almost 12,500 women and 75 men will die from the disease • Breast Cancer Campaign is campaigning for all candidates standing for election to Westminster to sign up to the breast cancer research pledge: www.breastcancercampaign.org/election


