It’s time to wear it pink in the office! It’s time to beat breast cancer

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Press release For immediate release: 18 September 2009 Press contact: Emily Snelling, 020 7749 4102 It’s time to wear it pink in the office! It’s time to beat breast cancer On Friday 30 October, people all over the UK will be wearing pink to mark the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and help fund Breast Cancer Campaign’s vital research. Office workers and businesses throughout the country are encouraged to wear it pink in support of Campaign and donate £2 each to fund innovative world-class breast cancer research. Last year over one and a half million people took part in wear it pink raising a staggering £3.5 million for breast cancer research to help improve survival rates for the one in nine women who experience breast cancer during their lifetime. This recession busting fundraiser is cheap and easy to take part in, giving everyone the chance to help make a difference. Sheridan Smith, wear it pink celebrity ambassador said; “I’m thrilled to be supporting Breast Cancer Campaign’s wear it pink day on Friday 30 October. It’ll be great to see everyone in the country donning their pink outfits to raise money for Campaign to continue funding vital research into beating breast cancer. It’s so easy to get involved in wear it pink. Anyone, anywhere can take part… just wear pink at work, at school or with friends and family and make a £2 donation to Campaign. I’ll be wearing pink on Friday 30 October to take part in this fantastic national fundraising event and I hope you will too!” Rebecca Guy, wear it pink Events Manager said; “We are looking forward to seeing the nation sporting their pink feather boas, pull out their favourite pink items from the closet and have a blast whilst raising money for Campaign. There is however a serious reason for wearing it pink on Friday 30 October. Some 45,500 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year and wear it pink helps to fund vital research into a disease which affects so many.” It’s time to beat breast cancer and for only £2 Campaign challenge you to wear it pink on Friday 30 October, at work, at home or at school and help save lives. Visit or call 0800 107 3104 to register now. Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to beat breast cancer by funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure • The charity currently funds 101 projects worth almost £14.2 million in 41 locations across the UK and Ireland • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • In the UK, nearly 46,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year - that’s 125 a day • Visit

