Local runner’s big three to beat the big C

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Press Release For immediate release: 8 February 2010 Press contact: Louise Garrahan, Media Relations Officer, Breast Cancer Campaign, DD 0207 749 3724, Email: lgarrahan@breastcancercampaign.org Local runner’s big three to beat the big C Budding runner Simon Weetman, originally from Seaford, East Sussex is planning to run three big city marathons in six months to help fund breast cancer research. The Banker, who works at Barclays Capital Japan Limited in Tokyo, has already run the New York Marathon in November 2009 for Breast Cancer Campaign and is now gearing up for the Tokyo Marathon on the 28 February. His third race will be the Virgin London Marathon on Sunday 25th April. Simon decided to support Campaign after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Following treatment, she is now doing very well. He said: “I hope that, with the money I raise in sponsorship, I can help raise awareness of breast cancer and support specialist research to combat this disease. The New York Marathon was a fantastic race and I’m so excited to take on two more runs for this very worthwhile cause.” To help Simon reach his fundraising target of £5,000 please visit www.justgiving.com/simons3marathonchallenge and donate what you can. If you have a place in this year’s Virgin London Marathon and would like to join Simon on Campaign’s running team, please call the Events team on 0207 749 3700 or visit www.breastcancercampaign.org. As a Campaign runner you will automatically become a member of Linford’s All Stars – a new exclusive club captained by Linford Christie, who offers supporters helpful training tips and nutritional advice. Ends Picture caption: Simon Weetman Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to beat breast cancer by funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure • Currently it supports 112 research projects, worth over £16.8 million, in 42 centres of excellence across the UK and Ireland • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • In the UK, nearly 46,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year - that’s 125 a day • Visit www.breastcancercampaign.org • Read Chief Executive Pamela Goldberg’s blog http://pamelagoldbergblog.blogspot.com/ • Breast Cancer Campaign is campaigning for all candidates standing for election to Westminster to sign up to the breast cancer research pledge: www.breastcancercampaign.org/election


