Local runner’s marathon effort to fund breast cancer research
Press Release For immediate release: 14 February 2011 Press contact: Louise Garrahan, Media Relations Officer, Breast Cancer Campaign, DD 0207 749 3724, Email: lgarrahan@breastcancercampaign.org Local runner’s marathon effort to fund breast cancer research Budding runner Daren Benton from Broxbourne, Hertfordshire has laced up his running shoes to train for the Virgin London Marathon in aid of Breast Cancer Campaign. The sales manager for Channel Four will join thousands of runners for the 26.2mile race on Sunday 17 April in memory of Daren’s mother-in-law Sue Loveday who sadly passed away from breast cancer in April 2010. Daren said: “Almost a year to the day of the London Marathon 2011 is the anniversary of my mother-in-law passing away. I vowed at her funeral that I would run in her memory. The plan is for family and friends to make a ‘celebratory’ day of it, travelling up to London so they can laugh at me as I plod my way around the course! It’s a cause very close to my family’s hearts so I hope lots of people will dig deep to sponsor me and help Breast Cancer Campaign. Many people from the local area will remember Sue as she worked for many years at the Belmont Care Home.” Charles Walker MP for Broxbourne, has given Daren his full backing for the running challenge. He said: “I'm delighted that Daren in my constituency is running the London Marathon for Breast Cancer Campaign. Funding breast cancer research is a fantastic cause as this disease affects so many people across the UK, so I wish him well with his fundraising and good luck for the run. I’m sure the local community will be fully behind him.” To help Daren reach his fundraising target of £2,000 please visit www.justgiving.com/darenbenton and donate what you can. This year around 48,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK and sadly approximately 12,000 will die from this disease. So if you have a guaranteed place in this year’s Virgin London Marathon and would like to make a difference to the lives of all those affected by breast cancer, please join Kirste on Campaign’s team. For more information, please call the Events team on 0207 749 4114 or visit www.breastcancercampaign.org If you have your own place there is no minimum sponsorship amount and each runner who signs up will receive a fundraising pack including a Breast Cancer Campaign running vest, sponsorship forms and lots of support from the charity on the day. Ends Picture caption: Daren Benton Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to beat breast cancer by funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure • Currently it supports 84 research projects, worth over £15.9 million, in 31 centres of excellence across the UK and Ireland • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • In the UK, nearly 48,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year - that’s 130 a day • Visit www.breastcancercampaign.org • Read Chief Executive Pamela Goldberg’s blog http://pamelagoldbergblog.blogspot.com/