Upcoming Paint the Town Pink events in Edinburgh

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Press release For immediate release: 18 September 2009 Press contact: Katie Power, 020 7749 3720 kpower@breastcancercampaign.org Upcoming Paint the Town Pink events in Edinburgh Breast Cancer Campaign will be transforming Edinburgh into a fusion of pink this October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and is encouraging everyone in the local area to get involved to help raise vital funds for breast cancer research. Many local tourist attractions and businesses have organised for pink events and fundraising activities to take place throughout the month and the charity will also be encouraging people to take part in its national events. Please see the attached events guide for details of the confirmed Paint the Town Pink events taking place throughout October including a pink day at Deep Sea World on 30 and 31 October, sponsored shark dives all throughout the month and wear it pink, Campaign’s nationwide pink fundraising day, on 30 October. Campaign is encouraging everyone in Edinburgh to join in with Paint the Town Pink by organising their own pink-themed events. This could be anything from a pink quiz night to a pink cake sale. For more information on how to organise your own event, or to take part in any of the Paint the Town Pink events, call 020 7749 3708 or visit www.breastcancercampaign.org ENDS Picture caption: Deep Sea World got into the pink spirit with a pink shark dive on 26 August Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to beat breast cancer by funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure • Currently it supports 101 research projects, worth over £14.1 million, in 41 centres of excellence across the UK and Ireland • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • In the UK, nearly 46,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year - that’s 125 a day • Visit www.breastcancercampaign.org • Read Chief Executive Pamela Goldberg’s blog http://pamelagoldbergblog.blogspot.com/


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