Coventry firm’s Olympic bid for SMEs to strike gold

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Release Date: 19th March 2010 Coventry firm’s Olympic bid for SMEs to strike gold Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Coventry and Warwickshire could be first out of the blocks to be among the winners during the 2012 Olympics. Around 75 Coventry and Warwickshire professionals attended a networking event Coventry’s Village Hotel to find out more about how they and their clients can avoid missing out on the potential benefits the Olympic will bring. The ‘Get Involved’ event was organised by city centre-based insolvency practitioners Cranfield Business Recovery and was attended by former Olympic athlete David Moorcroft and Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership’s Tom Clift, who outlined how local businesses can reap the rewards of one of the world’s premier sporting events taking place on British soil. Tony Mitchell, managing director of Cranfield Business Recovery, said: “The Olympic Games is perhaps the biggest sporting event on the planet but goes far beyond that. We’ve seen in recent years how both Beijing and Sydney have reaped the potential long-term economic rewards of staging the event. There’s no reason why we in the UK can’t do the same but these benefits shouldn’t be exclusive to the biggest companies.” Cranfield Business Recovery is already getting involved by sponsoring middle distance runner Katrina Wootton. The Coventry University graduate ranks in the top five in the UK in 1500m, 3000m and 5000m and is a previous gold medallist in the 1500m at the European Junior Olympics. She said: “Cranfield Business Recovery sponsoring me is a huge relief and helps me fulfil my own ambitions. They are supporting me with my ambitions to become an Olympian.” Mr Moorcroft added: “It’s lovely that a company has got involved in giving a little bit of support to help a very talented athlete fulfil their Olympic dream. It’s tough to make it at the Olympic Games and you need all the support you can get. For a company like Cranfield to lend a hand is wonderful.” Brett Barton, a director at Cranfield added that they could help SMEs improve their fitness as the UK emerges from recession to be in peak condition when 2012 arrives. He said: “We’re delighted to be supporting Katrina but are equally focussed on helping SMEs limber up and get in shape for the main event in two year’s time. Everyone is more than aware of how the recession has affected many businesses but business problems aren’t exclusive to the tough economic climate. By seeking professional advice as early as possible, many businesses can overcome the hurdles in their path and can go for gold when the Olympic torch is lit at the 2012 Games.” - ENDS - Editor’s note:- Cranfield Business Recovery is a firm of insolvency practitioners which employs 12 staff in its Coventry office. At present they are the number one insolvency practice in Coventry. It was set up in November 2001 to offer a professional service to people with corporate, business or personal financial problems and to work closely with professional advisers to assist their clients. The firm is led by licensed insolvency practitioners, Tony Mitchell and Brett Barton. It aims to offer a bespoke service in a friendly environment in circumstances that are often difficult and stressful. For further information, please contact: Gary Lillistone, Bridge PR on tel: 024 76 520025, email: or Brett Barton, Cranfield Business Recovery on tel: 024 7655 3700, email:


