Good Garage Scheme launches Accident Helpline

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Release date: 28th May 2010 Good Garage Scheme launches Accident Helpline An Accident Helpline has been launched by the UK-wide Good Garage Scheme to speed up the insurance claims process for its members and their customers. The Good Garage Scheme’s new helpline offers free advice and assistance to customers of member garages when they are involved in non fault accidents. A dedicated team are at the end of a telephone 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide callers with invaluable assistance in how to go about repairing vehicles and recovering losses as quickly and conveniently as possible. Key benefits of the service include, advice on personal injury, reclaiming insurance policy excess, providing like for like replacement vehicles, loss of use claims, pursuing loss of clothing and personal effects, reclaiming towing and storing charges and loss of earnings claims. Rachel Greasby, Marketing Director of the Good Garage Scheme, said: “The Accident Helpline is there for our Good Garage Scheme members and their customers. Rather than having to deal with insurance companies, customers simply pick up the phone and book cars in for repairs straight away. “Our team deal with the reclaiming of the money through insurance companies after the event. It puts less stress on our member garages whose technicians can concentrate on the repair work. It also reduces the stress involved for customers because it is such an easy way to deal with the aftermath of a non-fault accident.” The Accident Helpline is the latest in a host of benefits enjoyed by Good Garage Scheme members. Other benefits include major marketing campaigns covering TV and radio advertising, free legal support and discounted insurance. Launched by Forté nearly four years ago, the Good Garage Scheme operates as a self-regulatory body for independent workshops and MOT centres throughout the UK to ensure the best industry standards are maintained. It now has over 2,800 members who adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and offer an Industry Standard Service and operates a customer feedback system which highlights the areas of best practice and areas for improvement identified by motorists using member garages for work. A five-star rating system is produced for each member garage on the Good Garage Scheme website, based on the feedback forms, to help potential future customers find the best workshop in their area. Nationally, the Good Garage Scheme receives around 12,000 customer feedback forms every month while member garages that fail to submit any feedbacks are investigated and potentially removed from the scheme. – Ends – Editor’s note: The Good Garage Scheme was set up to serve independent workshops and MOT centres throughout the UK to ensure the best industry standards are maintained by its members. It has over 2,800 members who adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and offer an Industry Standard Service. Good Garage Scheme members: • Adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and pledge to have their customers’ best interests at heart • Must agree what work needs doing with their customers before it is carried out • Work to an Industry Standard Service checklist • Must supply each customer with a feedback card allowing them to give their views on service directly to the Good Garage Scheme, which operates a stringent complaints procedure • Are subject to regular audits and face expulsion if they break the Code of Conduct For further information, please contact: Anndi Sheppard, Good Garage Scheme, on tel: 024 7647 2649 or at or Gary Lillistone, Bridge PR 024 76 520025, email:


