Complete and final terms for BRIG TO5 warrants and the Winance investment have been published.

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The complete terms for the warrants in series BRIG TO 5 and the investment from Winance, announced on May 28, 2019, are now available on the company's website.

Investment summary

The SFO Winance has undertaken to invest 15 MEUR in Brighter. The parties have agreed to divide the investment into three main transactions (described below) over a maximum of 36 months. Issuance of drawdowns is at Brighter’s discretion.

Transaction 1: EUR 3 million on signing date.
Transaction 2: EUR 3 million on a) either full repayment (issuance of Brighter shares), or if shorter b) 3 months from signing date, or if longer, c) Cooling Off Period*.
Transaction 3: EUR 9 million in drawdowns of EUR 500,000 that can be called after Cooling Off Period.

- Repayment through set off of pre-paid investment, in shares:

  • 10% discount
  • 15 days WVAP previous to request date
  • Minimum EUR 250,000 to Maximum EUR 500,000 per set-off

- Arrangement Fee: 3% on each drawdown

- Warrants

  • 4 year term from registration at Bolagsverket
  • Strike at 115% of 15 days WVAP previous to signing of Agreement
  • Ordinary recalculation formulas (as per recommendation of Aktiemarknadsnämnden)
  • 8 two week subscription periods starting 6 months from registration

BRIG TO 5 Warrants

The exercise price for BRIG TO5 has been set to 10.56 SEK. The Warrants could yield 19.5 MEUR in additional capital.

Shareholders will receive one (1) warrant for 33 existing shares in the first transaction. Record date is 14 June which means that the last day of trading in the share including the right to receive TO5 in this transaction is 12 June. The first day for trading in the share excluding the right to TO5 is 13 June.

Visit the following link for more information about the investment:

For further information, please contact:

Henrik Norström, CEO   
Phone: +46 733 40 30 45      

Ann Zetterberg, CFO
Phone: +46 708 37 21 23

About Brighter AB (publ).
Brighter is a Swedish-based company that, from a unique IP portfolio, creates smart solutions for one of healthcare’s biggest challenges: changing patient behavior. Chronic diseases such as diabetes are rapidly increasing, and account for an increasing share of healthcare costs globally. Brighter's Business Model and Multi-Sided Market Platform - The Benefit Loop® - is based on the fact that many special interests create value for each other. By increasing access to valid health data, Brighter creates value for all stakeholders in the care chain: patients and their close associates, healthcare providers, research institutes, the pharmaceutical industry, and society as a whole.

The Company's shares are listed on NASDAQOMX First North/BRIG. Brighter’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq OMX First North is Eminova Fondkommission AB, +46 (0)8 – 684 211 00,

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