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The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) is today launching a manifesto which calls on the next Government to increase the involvement of clinicians in the development of healthcare policy to ensure the design, commissioning and delivery of health services appropriate to the needs of all segments of the older population, including those in residential care. Older people make up the largest single group of patients using the NHS but there is considerable variation in the way that healthcare services for older people are provided. Our ageing population means that healthcare services will come under increasing pressure at a time of financial constraint. It is therefore essential that the needs of older patients are appropriately and efficiently met. This is particularly important with regard to frailer individuals who typically have three or four co-existing medical conditions and who require specialist medical care. Alex Mair, BGS Chief Executive said: “Our manifesto makes it clear that the next Government must implement policies which will improve older people’s healthcare. This includes ensuring older people receive timely and effective healthcare; promoting healthy ageing messages; integrating health and social care services and funding scientific research into ageing and age-related conditions.” A copy of the BGS manifesto can be downloaded from the BGS website: www.bgs.org.uk (Select Manifesto) For more information or interviews please contact Iona-Jane Harris on 020 7608 8573 or on 07766 227724 or email press@bgs.org.uk Notes to Editors 1. The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) is a membership association of doctors, nurses, therapists, scientists and others with a particular interest in the care of the frail older person and in promoting better health in old age. 2. A copy of the BGS manifesto and statistics on our ageing population and common medical conditions can be downloaded from the BGS website. Visit: www.bgs.org.uk
