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The European Humanist Federation last month accused the European Commission of refusing to comply with the Lisbon Treaty (see note). On 19 October, the EHF filed a complaint with the EU Ombudsman who has now sent a number of questions to the Commission on its compliance with the Treaty.

Article 17:3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (introduced by the Lisbon Treaty) requires the EU to conduct a ‘regular, open and transparent dialogue’ with ‘philosophical and non-confessional organisations’ no less than with the churches and religious organisations. The Commission has for many years routinely conducted ‘dialogue seminars’ with the two conferences of European bishops.

Confronted with the Commission’s refusal to hold a dialogue seminar on “Competing Rights Issues in Europe”, including religious exemptions from directives and laws on non-discrimination, with the incomprehensible excuse that it lay outside the Commission’s area of competence, the EHF had no other recourse than filing a complaint with the European Ombudsman. In a letter dated 15 November, the Ombudsman has now asked the Commission to submit an opinion on EHF’s claim and, interestingly, to comment on what guidelines determine whom the Commission decides to talk to under Article 17 and on what topics.

Commenting on the Ombudsman letter, EHF President David Pollock said that “The EHF is very pleased with the questions put to the Commission. Beyond our specific request, there is a clear need for transparent guidelines as to how the Commission conducts this dialogue. So far, this lack of transparency has undeniably profited to the Churches”.

The Commission is due to reply by the end of February 2012. EHF will then be asked for its observations before the Ombudsman produces his adjudication.

Pierre Galand, EHF Vice-President, concluded: “We are happy to see that our complaint is being treated seriously. Despite what it claims, the Commission has until now developed an unbalanced approach and it is time to move in another direction.”


David Pollock, President: 0044 20 8800 3542 / 0044 7866 806 932 /

Pierre Galand, Vice-President: 0032 4755 58754 /

Pierre-Arnaud Perrouty, secretariat: 0032 4841 83535 /


For the EHF complaint to the Ombudsman, see the EHF website at
