Broström sale of holding in Australian ship broking firm

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• Broström has sold its 30 per cent stake in the Australian ship broking firm Seawise Australia Pty • The sale gives Broström an accounting profit of MSEK 17 and a cash surplus of MSEK 18 Broström has had interests in the Australian ship broking industry since 1971. In 2001 Broström’s interest was transferred into a part-ownership of Seawise Australia Pty. Seawise’s focus is on dry cargo ship broking and for Broström, being a tanker owner and operator, reasons to remain as a shareholder have become of less strategic value. The buyer is UK based Braemar Seascope Group plc that from now on is 100 per cent owner of Seawise. The sale of Broström’s 30 per cent holding in Seawise gives an accounting profit of MSEK 17 and a cash surplus of MSEK 18. Göteborg, 10 February 2005 BROSTRÖM AB (publ) For further information: Lennart Simonsson, CEO Broström, Tel +46 31 61 61 00 More information about Broström can be found on

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