From Nordtank Shipping to Broström Tankers

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In January 2005 the Danish tanker shipbroker Nordtank Shipping A/S was acquired by Broström. The company has since then been operating as a subsidiary within the Broström Group. Presently, Nordtank commercially operates 17 tankers in sizes between 4,000 and 23,000 dwt, owned by a number of shipowners.

As from 5 October the company Nordtank Shipping A/S will change name to Broström Tankers Denmark A/S. The office location, mail address and telephone numbers in Holbaek Denmark, will remain unchanged, as follows:

Broström Tankers Denmark A/S
Lindevej 16
DK-4300 Holbaek
Telephone: +45 59 44 44 66
Telefax +45 59 44 44 60

In line with the change of company name, the joint e-mail address is changed to:

Göteborg, 5 October 2007


Reference: Lennart Simonsson, CEO of Broström, Tel +46 31 61 61 00

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