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INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 Broström AB (publ) - Reg No 556005-1467 · Profit January - September MSEK 216 (111) ­ Net sales MSEK 2,497 (1,927) ­ Net profit MSEK 155 (77) ­ Profit per share SEK 5.34 (2.67) ­ Return on capital employed 8.7 per cent (7.6) · Profit for Q3 MSEK 31 (21) ­ Net sales MSEK 774 (600) ­ Net profit MSEK 20 (17) ­ Profit per share SEK 0.68 (0.60) · Disposable liquidity amounted to MSEK 773 (791 as at 31 December 2002) · The seasonal drop during the third quarter was less than expected due to increased volumes under contracts of affreightment and the good utilisation of the fleet. The weakening of the USD had, however, a negative impact on the result. · The increased demand for quality, the focus in the oil industry on the "just-in-time" concept which has resulted in reduced oil stocks and the anticipated improvement in the world economy should all contribute to further positive development for Broström. NEXT REPORTS Broström will publish its next financial reports on the following dates 2004: 2 Febru Preliminary report 5 ary 2003 2 April Interim report three 8 months 2004 and Annual General Meeting 2 Augus Interim report six 5 t months 2004 2 Octob Interim report nine 9 er months 2004 Göteborg, 30 October 2003 BROSTRÖM AB (publ) On behalf of the Board Lennart Simonsson Managing Director Broström AB 403 30 Göteborg Tel +46 031-61 61 00 Reg No 556005-1467 More information about Broström and press releases can be found on ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report