Interim Report 1 January - 30 September 2006

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Broström AB (publ) – Reg. no. 556005-1467

• Third quarter markedly stronger than a year ago
- Strong start, mainly for large tonnage, followed by a slight weakening in the overall spot market towards the end of the period.
- Completed acquisitions are having a steadily greater impact on earnings.
- Net profit for the third quarter up 87% compared with the third quarter a year ago.

• Profit after net financial items January - September SEK 538 m (440)
- Net sales SEK 2,561 m (2,691, of which 528 pertains to sold subsidiaries).
- Profit after tax SEK 465 m (371).
- Earnings per share SEK 14.13 (11.25).
- Return on capital employed 13.2% (14.2).

• Profit after net financial items for Q3 SEK 163 m (93)
- Net sales SEK 841 m (944, of which 174 pertains to sold subsidiaries).
- Profit after tax SEK 148 m (79).
- Earnings per share SEK 4.52 (2.35).

• Cash flow and disposable liquidity
- Cash flow per share SEK 18.72 (14.71).
- Disposable liquidity amounted to SEK 1,112 m (1,295 on 31 December 2005).
- The dividend payout was SEK 261 m.

• Change in transport capacity during third quarter
- The BRO EDGAR and the BRO ERIK, both of 37,300 dwt and built in 2004/2005, were acquired.
- The BRO DISTRIBUTOR (14,500 dwt), the third D-class newbuilding in a series of four vessels,
was delivered and is now employed in Broström’s European traffic.
- The GAN VENTURE (47,000 dwt), the first Dünya newbuilding in a series of eight vessels, was
delivered and is now employed in Broström’s Asian traffic.
- The BRO TRAVELLER (14,320 dwt, built 1988) and the TREGUIER (32,000 dwt, built 1986) were sold.

• Outlook
At the start of the fourth quarter, the spot market has been characterised by continued
volatility in Broström’s market segment. Structural changes in the market and widening
regional imbalances are giving rise to a continued greater need for transport in
Broström’s segment. The outlook for 2006 and into 2007 continues to be favourable.

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