Interim Report 1 January–31 March 2007

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Broström AB (publ) – Reg. no. 556005-1467

• Volatile but gradually strengthened freight market during first quarter of 2007
- The year began with a weak freight market, followed by a gradual improvement later in the quarter.
- Winter storms and strikes at some European ports caused delays in European traffic, but on the whole showed stable development.
- The quarter was characterised by a favourable trend for Asian traffic, which is now undergoing major expansion.
- Atlantic traffic developed well.
- Completed acquisitions and new partnerships entered into in 2006 are contributing to higher capacity utilisation of Broström’s fleet and are having a gradual, steady impact on Broström’s earnings.

• Profit after net financial items for the first quarter SEK 172 m (310, of which 90 pertains to capital gains)
- Net sales were SEK 926 m (965, of which 72 pertains to sold subsidiaries).
- Profit after tax was SEK 151 m (256).
- Earnings per share totalled SEK 4.52 (7.74).
- Return on capital employed was 13.7% (20.3).

• Cash flow and disposable liquidity
- Cash flow per share was SEK 7.43 (7.99).
- Disposable liquidity amounted to SEK 1,231 m (1,110 on 31 December 2006).

• Change in transport capacity during the first quarter
- The BRO DEVELOPER (14,900 dwt) was delivered in February and is now operating in European traffic.
- The GAN-VOYAGER and GAN-VALOUR (47,000 dwt) were delivered and are now operating in
Broström’s Asian traffic.
- The BRO TRANSPORTER and the BRO TRADER (both of approx. 14,400 dwt) were sold and delivered.
- A new long-term partnership was entered into with Reederei Claus-Peter Offen, under which eight new vessels (37,000 dwt) will be added to Broström’s fleet during the second half of 2008.

• Outlook for 2007
The start of the second quarter of 2007 has been characterised by high activity and a continued strong freight market in Broström’s market segment, especially in the Atlantic and Europe. Warmer weather is resulting in lower demand for fuel oil, and depots are being depleted to create room for fuels in demand during the summer. Structural changes in the market and widening regional imbalances are resulting in a continued greater need for transport in Broström’s segment. The outlook for 2007 as a whole continues to be favourable.

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