Notice of BROSTRÖM AB’s Annual General Meeting

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The shareholders of Broström AB (publ) are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 27 April 2005, at 5 p m in Konserthuset (the Concert Hall), Götaplatsen, Göteborg. Registration will start at 4 p m. PARTICIPATION Shareholders are entitled to participate in the AGM provided they are registered in the printout of the shareholders’ list made on 15 April 2005 and have notified the Company of their intention to participate by 4 p m on 21 April 2005. The number of attending assistants (maximum two) should be reported at the same time. REGISTRATION Nominee shareholders whose shares are deposited with a bank or a stockbroker must temporarily re-register their shares in their own names with VPC AB. Such re-registration must be carried out on Friday 15 April 2005 at the latest. In order for this to be done in time, an application to re-register the shares must be made well in advance. NOTICE OF ATTENDANCE Please notify Broström AB of your intention to attend the AGM either by post to SE-403 30 Göteborg, Sweden, phone +46 31 61 61 17, fax +46 31 711 80 30, e-mail or by the website . Broström AB must receive the notification at the latest by 4 p m on Thursday 21 April 2005, when the notification period expires. When giving notice of attendance, please indicate name, personal/company ID number, address and telephone number. PROXY Shareholders are entitled to representation by proxy carrying a dated power of attorney. If a power of attorney has been issued by a legal entity, an authorised copy of the certificate of registration for the legal entity must be provided. The certificate of registration must not be older than one year. In order to facilitate the registration at the AGM, original powers of attorney, certificates of registration and other documents of authority should be received by the Company at the latest on Thursday 21 April 2005. Shareholder or proxy may be accompanied by maximum two assistants at the AGM. Shareholder may only be accompanied by assistant at the AGM if the shareholder notifies the Company of the number of assistants as stated above for giving notice of shareholder’s attendance.

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