Zutec Holding AB (publ) makes a EUR 300,000 drawdown of the EUR 1 million facility agreement with Athanase

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Zutec Holding AB (publ) (the “Company”) has today decided to utilize EUR 300,000 of the EUR 1 million facility agreement with Athanase that was approved at the Annual General Meeting on November 14, 2019 (for reference, see Bulletins from the Annual General Meeting).

Under the terms and conditions of the facility agreement, the loan carries a fixed interest rate of 12 per cent and shall be repaid no later than 30 November 2021.   

For additional Information please contact:

Clíona Farrelly, CEO of Zutec Holding AB

cliona.farrelly@zutec.com +353 1 201 3565

Zutec Holding AB (publ) is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and Mangold Fondkommission AB is the Company’s acting Certified Adviser (Tel. + 46 8 5030 1550, CA@mangold.se, www.mangold.se).

This information is inside information that Zutec Holding AB (publ) is obliged make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, 23 December 2019, at 15.00 CET.

About Zutec

Zutec develops and markets cloud-based software solutions, primarily directed to companies within the building and construction industry. The Company’s products help clients to increase their productivity and cost efficiency. Zutec provides solutions within project management, data and document collaboration tools, data enriched 3D-models, defect management, project handover and the operations and maintenance of buildings.

To find out more please visit www.zutec.com
