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Residents at Bupa’s Court House Nursing Home, Court Road, Worcestershire, will welcome residents of a furrier nature into the home, when a group of reindeers will pay a visit on Monday 13 December from 11.00am. The reindeers, who form part of Trevor Hill Birds and Animals company will visit residents of the four unit home, where they will be given the opportunity to stroke and feed them. This is the second year that the reindeers have visited the home and residents are extremely excited to see the return of Oscar and meet his friend Scrappy. Annette Wright, activity co-ordinator at Bupa’s Court House Nursing Home, says: “Everyone is really looking forward to seeing the reindeers again and having the opportunity to stroke them. Residents faces light up when they see them and it will allow everyone to get into the Christmas Spirit as well as giving them some lovely memories.”