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Staff and residents of Bupa’s Erskine Hall Care Centre, Watford Road, Northwood, Middlesex, are looking forward to taking part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They will be holding a ‘pink day’ on Tuesday 20 October. The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘join the fight for women’s survival’. To celebrate this, the home will be involved in activities including pink fancy dress, a pink party and a pink fashion show. In addition, five members of staff will be competing in the Bupa Great South Run on Sunday 25 October, dressed from head to toe in pink. Bupa’s Community Connections will match all money raised by the Great South Run. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK with over 40,000 women and around 300 men diagnosed each year. Breast Cancer Awareness Month was introduced as a worldwide campaign in 1993 to increase awareness of breast cancer, raise funds for research and support people affected by the disease. Today, the major breast cancer and cancer charities continue to champion the cause every October, employing the pink ribbon – now a global symbol of breast cancer awareness. Julie Northam, activity co-ordinator for Bupa’s Erskine Hall, says: “Every year residents and staff get involved in raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are aiming to raise the much needed funds for vital research into breast cancer again this year. Everyone is looking forward to the activities and entertainment and we all wish those running the race the best of luck.”