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Staff and residents at Bupa’s Fieldway Nursing and Residential Centre, Mitcham, Surrey, have raised over £1,600 for Cancer Research UK, and will present the charity with a cheque on Friday, 19 February at 2pm. The money was raised as a result of a variety of activities that have taken place at the home including a summer fete with stalls and a raffle and a charity auction with items ranging from theatre tickets, a hairdressers day and a trip to the local zoo. Isabella Mackenzie, home manager at Bupa’s Fieldway Nursing and Residential Centre, says: “This is a fantastic achievement by all the staff and residents. We had a lot of fun raising the money and it is going to such a worthy cause. I’d like to thank all those that donated items for the auction and made the event so special.” Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. The charity supports scientists, doctors and nurses across the UK, who are working together to investigate all aspects of cancer.