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Thursday, 18 June 2009 Residents and employees at Bupa’s Old Gates Residential and Nursing Home, Feniscowles, Blackburn are looking forward to a ‘Bee Have Day’ on Thursday 25 June at 2pm. The day will involve residents at Old Gates planting ‘Bee friendly’ plants, in order to encourage bees to visit their gardens. This idea has been inspired by residents watching the programme ‘Spring Watch’ which everyone at the home has found particularly interesting. Spring Watch has appealed for viewers to be involved in their project which entails planting Bee friendly plants, helping to reduce the amount of Bees declining and becoming extinct. Residents’ and staff are planting a selection of sun flowers, candytuft, nasturtiums, and gazanias. Gail Downes, Activity Co-ordinator at Bupa’s Old Gates says; “This is a great project that everyone wants to be involved in, our residents have a keen interest in nature and gardening and can’t wait for the ‘Bee-Have’ day. This will give residents the chance to be involved in gardening as well as encouraging bees to our garden.” ENDS