Annual General Meeting of Bure Equity AB 2010

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Key items of business at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Bure Equity AB (publ) on April 28, 2010:

Election of Board members Sitting Board members Håkan Larsson and Mathias Uhlén as well as Board Chairman Björn Björnsson were re-elected. Eva Gidlöf and Carl Björkman were elected as new Board members. Board members Ann-Sofi Lodin and Kjell Duveblad have declined re-election. At the statutory meeting following the AGM, Håkan Larsson was re-appointed as Deputy Chairman. Dividend The AGM approved of a cash dividend of SEK 0.30 per share, corresponding to a total sum of MSEK 26.9. The record day was set to Monday May 3, 2010, which means that the payment of dividend will be expected on Thursday May 6, 2010. Incentive programme concerning the issue of share warrants The AGM approved of the issue of a maximum of 260,000 share warrants that provide entitlement to subscription for a maximum of 260,000 shares in Bure Equity AB. The share warrants shall be issued at a price corresponding to their market value on the issue date, calculated according to the Black and Scholes model, which on the date of the issue of the summon was estimated to be SEK 1.16 per share warrant. Subscription and payment of the warrants shall be completed no later than June 9, 2010. The share warrants shall be subscribed for by the subsidiary Skanditek AB with rights and obligations to transfer them to senior executives and key personnel in Bure Equity AB. The price of the transferred share warrants shall correspond to the issue price. Subscription for shares based on the share warrants may be made from June 9, 2012, through June 9, 2013, at a subscription price of 150 per cent of the market value on the issuance date. Full exercise of all share warrants covered by the motion will entail an increase in the share capital of SEK 1,549,709, representing a dilution of some 0.3 per cent of the number of shares and voting rights in Bure Equity AB. Repurchase of treasury shares The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to acquire the company’s treasury shares during the period until the next Annual General Meeting. After the buy-back, Bure may hold a maximum of 10 per cent of all issued shares in the company. ---------------- Utilization of authorization to repurchase own shares The AGM on April 28, 2010, approved the proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to purchase the company's own shares for the purpose to enable the Board to adapt the capital structure to the company’s needs and thereby contribute to increased shareholder value. At the statutory meeting following the AGM, the Board decided to utilize this authorization. The shares will be purchased on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange at a price within the registered share price interval on each occasion when the Board finds it favourable for the company's shareholders. Purchase can be made as of April 29, 2010, until next year's AGM. No acquisitions are intended to be made during a 30-day period prior to the announcement of quarterly result, the day of announcement included. Bure currently holds 0 own shares. The total number of outstanding shares in Bure is currently 89,645,727. The maximum number of shares which can be repurchased is therefore 8,964,573. Stockholm, April 29, 2010 Bure Equity AB (publ) The Board of Directors For additional information, please contact: Patrik Tigerschiöld, President & CEO Phone +46 8-614 00 20 Andreas Berglin, CFO Phone +46 8-614 00 29

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