Bure divests Informator Training Group
Bure divests Informator Training Group Bure is divesting its holding in Informator Training Group (ITG). The sale will not make any impact on Bure's results during the second quarter of 2004. "ITG has been in a tough situation in recent years with a rapidly declining market which created significant result problems. The total agreed purchase price means that Bure has the opportunity to receive repayment of previously granted credits to ITG and that Bure will receive a share of potential future sales profits. The sale is in line with our action plan directed at fewer and larger holdings. At the same time, ITG gets an opportunity to develop further in another owner form," says Bure's President and CEO Lennart Svantesson. Bure is selling Informator Training Group to Pegroco AB, which is owned by Per Grunewald who was previously employed in Bure. Gothenburg, 3 June 2004 Bure Equity AB (publ) For further information, please contact: Lennart Svantesson, President +46 31-708 64 20, +46 733-11 00 11 Lars Ynner, Investment Manager +46 706 99 56 32 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/06/03/20040603BIT00440/wkr0001.pdf