Bure sells real estate to Kungsleden

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Today Bure has come to an agreement with Kungsleden, regarding the sale of real estate for a total value of SEK 407M. At the same time Bure’s subsidiary Vittra has made an agreement with Kungsleden with the intention of securing Vittra’s future need of school premises in connection with new establishments. The transaction takes place in two steps. In October 2005 Kungsleden will take possession of three school properties, which today are owned by Vittra, a subsidiary to Bure. Vittra will receive SEK 194M for the real estate and will be able to redeem all outstanding loans of SEK 134M. Bure has, at the same time, made an agreement with Kungsleden regarding a sale in the fall of 2006 of a school property, which today is owned through a financial lease. The sale will give Bure SEK 213M and the properties will be taken in possession in September 2006. Bure releases around SEK 20M and reduces future undertakings of SEK 206M. In total, the transactions will give a total positive effect on the result in the Bure Group, by around SEK 27M in October 2005 through the subsidiary Vittra and another SEK 5M through the parent company in the fall of 2006. Gothenburg, 12 September 2005 Bure Equity AB (publ) For additional information contact: Mikael Nachemson, President, Bure Equity AB Tel. +46 (0)31-708 64 20 Stig Johansson, President, Vittra AB Tel. +46 (0)706-37 06 86 Anders Mörck, Chief Financial Officer, Bure Equity AB Tel. +46 (0)706-46 52 11

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