Bure signs new loan agreement and plans early redemption of subordinated debentures

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Bure has today signed a new loan agreement with Nordea that will replace the entire commitment outstanding under the syndicated loan, in which Nordea took part, that was signed as part of Bure’s refinancing in 2003. In connection with this, Bure has decided to exercise its option for early redemption of subordinate debentures pursuant to the terms stated in these, i.e. at a discounted value (80.7%) of the debenture’s principal amount.

Early redemption of the subordinated debentures, which will be carried out on 31 March 2005, will provide Bure with estimated interest savings of over MSEK 90, based on current interest rates, compared with if the debentures had run to maturity on 30 June 2007. “The increased confidence in Bure which has made this refinancing possible will generate significantly lower borrowing costs in the future. Through this new agreement, the last part of the crisis financing arranged in 2003 has now been replaced with a long-term credit on market-based terms”, says Mikael Nachemson, President of Bure. Gothenburg, 15 February 2005 Bure Equity AB (publ) For more information contact: Mikael Nachemson, President +46 (0)31-708 64 00 Anders Mörck, Chief Financial Officer +46 (0)706-465211 All debenture holders will be officially notified by VPC that redemption will take place on 31 March 2005 at a discounted value (80.7%) of the subordinated debenture’s principal amount. Discounting of the principal amount under the agreement means that holders of debentures who would have received the principal amount on 30 June 2007 will instead receive 80.7% of this amount per 31 March 2005.

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