Bure whitdraws its acceptance of Providence bid for the AcadeMedia Shares

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Bure continues to question the validity of its commitment in connection with Providence’s public offer for AcadeMedia.

As communicated in the press release of 18 May 2010, Bure questions the validity of Bure's commitment to accept Providence’s offer for AcadeMedia, as a consequence of Providence’s actions. In the meantime, and before this has been clarified, Bure has today withdrawn its acceptance of Providence’s offer for AcadeMedia and requested that the shares shall be returned to Bure. 

Stockholm June 2nd, 2010
Bure Equity AB (publ) 

For additional information, please contact:

Patrik Tigerschiöld, CEO
Telephone +46 -8 -614 00 20 

More information about Providence interest to make a public offer is available on AcadeMedias website www.academedia.se

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