Conditions for Bure’s voluntary redemption procedure

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As previously communicated in connection with the year-end report, the Board of Bure Equity AB (publ) (“Bure” or “The company”) has decided to propose that the Annual General Meeting of Bure approve a voluntary redemption procedure instead of a dividend.

It is proposed that the voluntary redemption procedure be carried out by way of a cancellation of shares through a reduction in the share capital for repayment to the shareholders (“The redemption") and a simultaneous bonus issue without the issuance of new shares in order to restore the share capital.

To execute the redemption procedure, it is proposed that all holders of shares in the company on the record date receive one redemption right for each share held. Twenty (20) redemption rights are intended to entitle the holder to redemption of one Bure share in exchange for a cash redemption amount of SEK 38.00. A maximum of 4,482,286 shares can be subject to redemption through the proposal, whereby a maximum of around SEK 170.3 million can be distributed to Bure’s shareholders.

Preliminary timetable[1]

2 May 2011                          Last day of trading of Bure shares including entitlement to redemption rights

5 May 2011                          Record date for entitlement to redemption rights

10 May – 27 May 2011      Application period

10 May – 24 May 2011      Trading in redemption rights

10 May – 20 May 2011      Application period for commission-free sale of a maximum of 1,000 redemption rights

3 June 2011                          Outcome of redemption procedure publicly communicated

7 June – 14 June 2011        Trading in redemption shares

Around 22 June 2011        Payment of redemption amount


Carnegie Investment Bank is acting as financial advisor and Wistrands Advokatbyrå as legal advisor to Bure in connection with the redemption procedure.

Bure Equity AB (publ)

Contacts at Bure:

Henrik Blomquist, Vice President                                           Andreas Berglin, CFO
Tel. +46 8 – 614 00 20                                                          Tel. +46 8 – 614 00 20

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of Bure Equity AB under the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information has been publicly communicated on 29 March 2011, 8:30 a.m. CET.

[1] The timetable is preliminary and may be changed.


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