Interim Report January - September 2008

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Steady growth in the portfolio companies – falling demand noted at end of third quarter

Third quarter 2008
-The Parent Company’s profit after tax was SEK 156M (36).
-Consolidated profit including discontinued operations amounted to SEK 91M (65). Profit excluding sold units was SEK -6M (41). Fully diluted earnings per share were SEK 1.01 (0.61).
-Bure’s share in EBITA of the portfolio companies amounted to SEK -7.3M (-5.9).
-The sale of Bure’s subsidiary Citat was completed in July.
-In August Bure divested its entire holding in the subsidiary Textilia.
-At the end of August, Bure repurchased shares for a total of SEK 349M
-In September an agreement was signed between Bure and AcadeMedia for the merger of Bure’s
portfolio companies AcadeMedia and Anew Learning.

Interim period January – September 2008
-Bure’s share in EBITA of the portfolio companies increased by 10 per cent to SEK 104M (95).
-The Parent Company’s profit after tax was SEK 343M (606).
-Equity per share in the Parent Company was SEK 29.72 (30.18).
-Consolidated profit amounted to SEK 347M (889). Profi t excluding sold units was SEK 112M (165). Fully diluted earnings per share were SEK 3.77 (7.45).

Subsequent events
-The merger between Anew Learning and AcadeMedia was completed in October and resulted in
the creation of Sweden’s largest education company.
-The Board of Bure has called an Extraordinary General Meeting on 6 November 2008 to resolve on the proposed distribution of the entire holding in AcadeMedia to Bure’s shareholders.
-The Board of Directors has decided to postpone a decision on the previously announced distribution of Bure’s additional available cash until after the distribution of AcadeMedia shares is completed.
A complete Interim Report can be read at

Gothenburg, 24 October 2008
Bure Equity AB (publ)