About Us

Business Disability Forum is a not-for-profit member organisation that makes it easier and more rewarding to do business with and employ disabled people. We have more than twenty years experience of working with public and private sector organisations, formerly as the Employers’ Forum on Disability. Our members employ almost 20% of the UK workforce and, together, we seek to remove the barriers between public and private organisations and disabled people. We are a key stakeholder for both business and government. We have contributed to the establishment and development of meaningful disability discrimination legislation in the UK. Business Disability Forum provides pragmatic support by sharing expertise, giving advice, providing training and facilitating networking opportunities. This helps organisations become fully accessible to disabled customers and employees. Our pioneering Disability Standard is a measure of an organisations’ ability to be disability-smart. It provides a framework for confidently and effectively aligning ways of working, changing behaviour and improving decision making across organisations. The Business Disability Forum President's Group and the Technology Taskforce define policy with members and government. The Technology Taskforce is led by Chief Technology Officers who define best practice, establishing in 2010 our Accessible Technology Charter, and support other members in aligning their organisations.


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